Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Blame Game

Since assuming office three years ago, President O has played the blame game, blaming everyone and everything for the country's ills. Big business, Wall Street, the Europeans, the weather, earthquakes and President Bush for the economy. Unemployment on the economy, Wall Street, rich folks and President Bush. The lousy housing mess on banks and.......President Bush. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on the Republicans and President Bush. So President Obama like to play the blame, let's play.
Has anyone noticed the increase in a gallon of gas lately? A gallon of gas, nationally, is $ FEBRUARY?? This is the first time in history that gas has been this high this early in the year. It usually doesn't start its upward trend until the spring and summer vacation driving period begins. Some analysts say it will hit $4 by April. In one month gas prices have gone up $.25. Who gets the blame? The President will blame the Europeans, the weather, the economy and...President Bush. But wait, didn't Mr. Obama, after the last big oil spill a couple years back shut down the oil rigs in the Gulf? Hasn't Mr. Obama refused to tap into ANWR ( Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), the world's largest oil reserves in Alaska? Didn't the President, for the sake of politics and the environmentalist wackos say no to the Keystone Pipeline Project? So, whom do we blame? Obama.
The President is ballyhooing the unemployment rate having dropped to 8.3 percent. These are cooked numbers because they don't include people who have dropped out of the job search market and the underemployed. While the President claims jobs are his number 1 priority it seems the only job he's interested in preserving is his own. After all, he could have created an immediate 20,000 jobs IF he had approved the Keystone Pipeline project, not to mention the spin off jobs that the project would create. Stimulus packages haven't worked and he still wants to spend more. So whom do we blame? Obama.
When Obama took office the country had a AAA credit rating. Now it's AA. Blame Obama.
When Obama took office we had a $10 trillion debt. Now it's $15 trillion and climbing. Blame Obama.
When Obama took office we had 26weeks of unemployment payments. Now it's 99 weeks. Blame Obama.
When Obama took office the Federal Government had an annual budget. Now, no budget. Blame Obama.
So, if President O wants to play the blame game, he has more than his share on his plate....he won't admit it...he'll just blame.....President Bush.

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