Usually after the Super Tuesday primaries you have a pretty good idea who is going to get the nomination to run against an incumbant President. Talking heads and political know-it-alls' are giving it to Romney, even though Santorum is giving him a fight. But it really doesn't make any difference who it is when the nominating convention gets together this summer. Why? Because unless the Republicans, conservative and moderate voters get over their pettiness, it's not going to matter. Barack Huessein Obama will have another term as President of the United States.
I hate the simple-mindedness of one -issue voters. They get one thing on there mind and if a candidate is on the opposite side of the fence on an issue, they won't vote. Look at the BIG PICTURE, people. There are hundreds of issues a President has to deal with and take positions on. Obama has been the exception. His one issue is socialism. That's where he wants to take this country. He needs to go!
Frankly I have little faith in those who are on the right side of the political spectrum. I fear there are too many one-issue voters out there who will sit at home if the eventual nominee is one who does not lean their way on a specific issue. Therefore, I predict, Barack Obama will win a second term......I hope the voters prove me wrong.
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