The President of the United States wants another 4 year term in office. Because he spent the 3.5 years (soon to be 4) totally destroying this country, spending it into oblivion, killing millions of jobs, screwing up the best health care system in the world (who gave him a license to practice medicine?) and a host of other decisions that lend to his incompetence as the country's chief executive, he finds his re-election campaign in trouble.
So.... in order to get votes he spits on the Constitution, illegally by-passes Congress and declares that millions of illegal aliens are now legal...translation: Vote For Me!!!
Let me get this straight. If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor. If you cross the the Afghanistan border illegally you get shot. If you cross the the Iranian border you get eight years or more, as two Americans recently found out. But...if you cross the U.S border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing and child benefits, education and a 7 year break on business taxes.....and (the biggie) you get to vote for Mr. Obama in the upcoming election.
For shame, Mr. can't run on your economic policy (you'd lose). You can't run on your jobs policy (you'd lose). You can't run on your stimulus plans...they failed (you'd lose). You can't run on your overall job performance rating (you'd lose). Seems the only way you can win is to defy the Constitution, Congress and the American lose!
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