Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day Shame

It's always fitting that each Memorial Day the sitting President of the United States pay homage to the nation's veterans, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The annual media photo-op for any President is to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. It is also a day many Americans visit war memorials to pay their respects to our vets.
As a Vietnam Veteran I thought it was above and beyond the day's call of duty for President Obama to visit the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial, dubbed "the Wall." And while the President's speech was moving and stirring and long over-due for a group of vets who were wrongly not properly welcomed home, his visit produced another wrong. The thousands of visitors to The Wall were apparently kept away for several hours.
A conservative Mom named Rachel has blogged this incident. The media would keep it from you, to be sure.
Click the link below to see what happened.


Some have suggested the President's speech at the wall was a campaign speech. All of his speeches these days are...The administration is not known for it's good thinking..doing as they please. In this case, maybe they should have thought about the many Americans who visit the memorials on this day, kept the President away, and let him give his speech from the Rose Garden at the White House.

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