Friday, August 30, 2013


                                                      HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE




Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thoughts on This Week's News:

Three heavy news stories top this week's events. Here's some thoughts:

 >Ft. Hood Shooter Sentenced

Army Major Nidal Hasan, found guilty of killing 13 soldiers and injuring more than 30 others in a shooting rampage in 2009 at Ft. Hood, TX., was sentenced to death. This is what Hasan wanted...the death penalty. It will make him a martyr in the eyes of
Nidal Hasan
his Muslim terrorist brothers. He should have been given life to deny him of his wish. Military death cases are automatically appealed. Analysts predict the penalty will stand despite most death sentences in the past have been overturned. 

Another atrocity of this story is that the Obama administration, despite Hasan's terrorist affiliations and admission he did it in the name of 'Allah,' declared this crime as 'workplace violence', thus denying the  families of the dead and the wounded of combat  and other benefits including the Purple Heart. This is a despicable act on the part of the president. It was declared workplace violence purely for political reasons...the president did not want the black mark on his record that the United States was attacked by terrorists on his watch. It happened at Ft. Hood and it happened in Benghazi, Lybia, the Consulate there and any Consulate or Embassy on foreign soil is considered sovereign U.S. territory. Not wanting that black mark is another reason the administration tried to cover up the Benghazi attack saying it was the result of some dumb video that sparked a spontaneous uprising of a pissed off mob. We know it was, in fact, the work of Al Qaeda.

>Syria: To Attack Or Not To Attack

President Obama has said unequivocally that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on it's own people. Some are not so convinced. There are members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who are asking for more evidence. The Brits are also leery of jumping the gun on this as they would be part of a coalition. They want to wait for United Nation's inspectors to conclude a report after visiting Syria which took its time allowing the
President Obama
inspectors in which means they probably cleaned up the site. But late Thursday the British Parliament voted against action against Syria, a major setback for President Obama. 

The president has somewhat backed himself into a corner having drawn a 'red line' in the sand a year ago that the use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Assad would mean military intervention by the U.S. Obama has a habit of putting his mouth in gear before engaging his brain. He probably thought Assad would shake in his boots by the 'red line' threat and wouldn't do it. But Assad may have called Obama's bluff. Now, if Obama backs off without any response, the world would see the U.S. as weak. Actually, it appears that what little evidence there is one has to wonder who is responsible for releasing the chemical weapons, the Assad regime or the rebels. It's really not known for sure at this point.
Congress has yelled loud and clear that the president cannot act
Syrian President Assad
without its authorization. If Obama acts unilaterally he will violate the Constitution, which may be an impeachable offense. This president has
in the past shown disdain for the Constitution and it wouldn't be a surprise if he goes it alone. He is holding a series of briefings for certain members of Congress but they want the final say.
Action against Syria will have additional consequences. Iran, a friend of the Syrian government, will certainly turn on Israel, who will retaliate, and we would have Israel's back and here we go....more fun in the Middle East...are you ready for that?

>Miley Cyrus: Crash And Burn

This week we witnessed the downfall of a once teenage star. Millions witnessed Miley Cyrus', once the face of Disney's 'Hannah Montana,' fall from grace at the MTV VMA telecast last Sunday. Scantly clad in what looked like a poor excuse for 1950's style
Miley Cyrus & Robin Thicke
underwear, Ms. Cyrus performed a raunchy, sexually explicit dance routine with singer Robin Thicke. Needless to say it was disgusting at best, given that the MTV show was a family affair with kids at home watching and many in the audience. Cyrus has dumped the wholesomeness that was Hannah Montana and taken on a raunchy, in your face persona. Her display of bad taste in front of a national audience was the main topic of discussion across the country early in the week. The obsession with Miley Cyrus by the national news media was equally disgusting given the fact that the country was on the brink of possible war with Syria in which our
Actor Will Smith & His Family React To Miley Cyrus' performance

troops would once again be put in harm's way. Instead we were consumed with a 20 year old and her lewd gyrations before millions of what used to be adoring admirers. But that was Miley Cyrus' intent. she knew what she was doing. The point was to draw as much attention to herself no matter how negative. She succeeded. She also succeeded in not advancing her opinion. Crash and burn, Ms. Cyrus.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

War With Syria and Whose Side Are We On, Anyway?

 Today's bad guy in the Middle East is Syria. The little war their has escalated to where the Assad regime has used chemical weapons on its people. A year ago President Obama said the use of chemical weapons by Syria was a 'red line' that would prompt the U.S. to take action. Click the video:

 That red line has been breached and now the president, to save face, must act. The question is, how?

The current prevailing wisdom is the U.S. will respond with air strikes of some sort, or launch cruise missiles from off shore.Whether it's full-bore to take out the Assad government, or peace meal to say in effect, "Ok, we did something." Either way, the United States, once we get involved, will be forging an unlikely alliance 
'Lest we Forget'
with.......Al Qaeda...yep, Al Qaeda, the bad boys who took down the World Trade Center twin towers on 9/11, fostered by the now dead Osama Bin Laden, blamed for the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Lybia and numerous other attacks against the U.S. Read More: Fighting WITH Al Qaeda

 The U.S. has always backed the Syrian rebels in their battle against the Syrian government. Al Qaeda has aligned itself with the rebels and, in a stranger twist, it appears their is another link. Read More: Benghazi Terrorists Train Jihadists For Syria

There is some dissension in Congress as to whether we should get involved at all. Congress says the president, per the Constitution, must get its approval before taking any action. The president, as we know, has a bad habit of ignoring Congress and the Constitution and doing as he pleases. Flashback to the Bush years when then President Bush was contemplating going into Iraq. Vice President Joe Biden, then a Senator, vowed to start impeachment proceedings if Bush did not consult Congress before committing troops to Iraq. Click the video:

Of course, Mr. Biden has said a lot of things over the years that have eventually come back to bite him in the butt. Do you think he has advised the president on this one?

No doubt President Obama now regrets his 'red line' comment of a year ago. Syria could become Obama's Iraq. Will he take the fight to President Assad or just lob an obligatory missile into a land fill and say, "There, I did it?" Just askin.'

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

From Hannah Montana to Out of Control - Miley Hits a New Low

 It wasn't too long ago when you walked through the Walmarts and Targets of the world you were inundated with Hannah Montana
Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana
T-shirts, backpacks, dolls, Cd' name it, she was on it. And every little school girl aged 11-13 wished they could be Hannah. But Miley Cyrus was Hannah and she was made a bonafide star by the Disney Company.

That was then, and this is now.

 Hannah Montana is no more, Miley Cyrus, daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, has grown up, all of 20 years old. And she seems to have gone the way of other teen stars...Lindsey Lohan and
Miley Cyrus as Herself
Britney Spears come to mind (although Britney seems to have gotten her life back on track). 

Miley Cyrus has hit a new low. Since her break from Disney she has taken on a new persona, one of shocking her fans. She went over the top, and some say way to far, at a performance at the recent MTV VMA awards show. It proved to be lewd, crude and socially unacceptable for her fans and even for some of the celebrity crowd who found it to be too much. Read More: Miley - Lewd and Crude

To be expected, the performance has gone viral on And what about all the media buzz about Ms. Cyrus? has some thoughts. Read More: Media on Miley

 Not surprisingly, The Parents Television Council took a shot at Miley. Read More: PTC Slams Miley

Annette Funicello - 1942 - 2013

One wonders what happens to teen stars that once they grow up they spoil their image for those who grew up with them. Miley Cyrus is now a disappointment to all her fans who knew her as Hannah Montana. The folks at Disney must wonder with embarrassment what happened to the Miley they once knew. Read More: Did Miley Hurt Disney? But they can look back at one young Disney star who from her days as a Mouseketeer on The Mickey Mouse Club Show to the time of her death earlier this year, never disappointed her fans....Annette Funicello!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Army Staff Sgt. Ty M.Carter - Medal of Honor Winner

President Barack Obama has awarded the nation's highest military honor to Staff Sgt. Ty M. Carter.
 On October 3, 2009, in Afghanistan, the Army says "Carter killed enemy troops, resupplied ammunition to American fighters, rendered first aid and risked his own life to save an injured soldier
Staff Sgt. Ty Carter
who was pinned down by a barrage of enemy fire. Of the 53 members of B Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, who defended the position, eight soldiers were killed, and more than 25 were injured." Read More: Hero Soldier

 Sgt. Carter said while he's honored, "Even though this award is an awesome honor and a great privilege, in order to get such a prestigious award, you have to be in a situation where your soldiers, your family, your brothers, are suffering and dying around you. And then, you just did everything you could to save lives or prevent further loss."

President Obama Bestows the Medal of Honor on Sgt. Ty Carter

This is the second Medal of Honor awarded for action in the same battle. Staff Sgt. Clint Romesha was honored for heroism and valor in February.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Obamacare: Condition - Critical <> Prognosis - Poor

If you're looking for some positives for the impending train wreck known as 'Obamacare,' you wouldn't have found it last week. Consider....

> Delta Airlines said its health costs will rise by $100 million next year;
>UPS and Univ of VA are dropping working spouses from health coverage;
>The Nevada AFL-CIO said Obamacare will hurt full-time work;
>Teen retailer Forever 21 reduced employee hours; 
>Young people in Colorado will have to pay more for basic insurance.
More and more people and businesses are coming to the realization that the president's signature legislation is a bust. Obamacare is causing havoc in a lot of areas. One of the biggest is jobs, where the president already has a failing grade. Obamacare has forced many businesses, with more to come, to cut back employee hours from full-time to part time. And if that's not enough, read more: Why Obamacare Won't Work.

Congress is close to returning to Washington, winding up it's summer recess. Many members of Congress probably got an earful from their constituents during the recess on a number of important issues, including Obamacare. The House of Representatives is the "keeper of the purse," on funding government programs. There is a move afoot among a number of GOP members to defund Obamacare when the battle over the budget begins this fall. Many Americans like that idea. The only problem is if it is defunded, and since the House majority is Republican, we will hear a familiar tune from the Democrats, blaming the Republicans for shutting down the government. That's not entirely true. Essential services of the government well still go on, but the Dems will make it sound like the GOP had just brought the world to an end rather than what they really did which was stop a major train wreck.

Harry Reid needs 60 votes in the Senate to fund Obamacare, but he
only has 54 Democrats and, according to the Washington Post, some moderate Democrats are backing away from Obamacare which means he's going to need help from Republicans.

 Sen. Mike Lee has crafted a letter to force the defunding of Obamacare by blocking a continuing resolution on government spending. Read More: Senators Who Have Not Signed The Letter 

The battle over Obamacare and spending for the next year begins next month. Look for Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and all the Democrats to demagogue the Republicans and play the blame game despite the majority of Americans not wanting Obamacare. Also note, of all the Democrats up for re-election in 2014, you won't find one who has Obamacare as the focal point of their campaign. Despite voting for it four years ago, they all now see it for what it is.....something that is not good for this country.

Friday, August 23, 2013

                                                      IT'S ABOUT FAMILY!

                              HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jobs - A Sad State of Affairs

At, under the 'Politics' tab, there is an ominous headline,"Number of long-term unemployed ‘unprecedented’ under Obama." The story, published by the Washington Free Beacon, puts an exclamation point on the unemployment picture in this country. While the economy in
some quarters seems to be improving, the jobless rate is a sad commentary on the failures of the Obama administration. Unemployment is at a stagnant 7.4%, a government stat that is false at best because it doesn't take into account the millions who are unemployed and have given up looking, thus the real rate might be closer to 14%.

Another number rarely mentioned is the long-term unemployed, said to be those that have been out of work for 
for more than six months. These people total 3% of the unemployment rate. A study by the Urban Institute, a liberal think-tank, does not bode well for the administration, citing some 5 million workers fall into the long term unemployed category. The Washington Free Beacon quotes from the study,
"That long-term unemployment would rise during a recession is not at all surprising, but the extent of the increase and its persistently high level since the start of the recovery are both troubling and unprecedented. The U.S. economy is now well into its fourth year of recovery, the unemployment rate is below 8 percent, yet the long-term share of unemployment is still near 40 percent."
President Obama has consistently said his top priorities are helping the middle class and jobs, jobs jobs. But his record over the last four plus years indicate those priorities have
Michael R. Strain
been nothing more than lip service. Michael Strain, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, ( says the president isn't taking the jobless plights of Americans seriously. Read More: 
Obama Ignoring Job Problem

Would it be stretch to think that if Mr. Strain is correct it
might be because the less people working the more they will become dependent on the government, which is Obama's mindset? If that be true, it is, indeed, a sad state of affairs.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Queen Hillary....The Coronation Is On?

It is August, 2013. We are three years and 3 months away from the next presidential election. Already we are seeing the 'mainstream' media flying the banners and organizing
the ticker-tape parade for their anointed one, Queen Hillary. 
While Mrs. Clinton hasn't declared her intentions yet as to a run for the White House, she's talking like a candidate. She recently appeared before the American bar Association in San Francisco. Read More: Clinton Tackles Voting Rights Issue .
Next month she will travel to Philadelphia to discuss what she calls, "the balance and transparency necessary in our national security policies as we move beyond a decade of wars to face new threats." And down the road she will let us know how she feels about America's global leadership and our moral standing around the world. So without saying she's running, she's running around giving a series of "policy" speeches. One doesn't do that as a hobby without having some serious ulterior motive in mind.      
So, let's say what we all know...Hillary is running...and let's say what looks like a sure thing. She will be the Democratic nominee for president. And let's say she wins and is elected president. Read More: Are We Ready For The Clinton...Again?

Wow! Eight more years of "Billary" in the White House! Could Bill REALLY settle for being 'First Man?' or will he pull up a side chair to the desk in the Oval Office? Just
The Clintons
askin'. Remember when Bill was elected and he announced we were getting "two for the price of one?" Uh Oh! Here we go again. 

With all the shenanigans that went on in the first Clinton White House, it seemed to be 'comic relief.' Then when George Bush was elected it was 'the adults were in charge again'. This time around, after the disaster that is Obama, could we be in for 'comic relief 2?' There's always something going on with this pair and it's rarely good. News has surfaced the Clinton Foundation is millions of dollars in debt. How does that happen? Rush Limbaugh made this observation on his radio program: 
"you have this charity that is receiving millions of dollars and they're running deficits.  They owe money.  I drew the connection that the Clintons are getting rich off of philanthropy, which is usually not how it happens.  You don't get rich from philanthropy...... this is philanthropy, and it's giving money away.  And it's impossible to get rich giving money away."
But the Clintons are rich, and as Rush puts it, "they are getting rich in the process of giving money away." Where does there money come from? New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, sheds some light. Read More: It's All About The Money. The Clintons have to answer for the Foundation's problems.

 But there is more Hillary has to answer for if she seriously wants to take a seat in the Oval Office. The events surrounding Benghazi, Libya and the deaths of four Americans are hanging over her head. She
has yet to come clean on what happened, what her role was and the failures of the State Department, which she ran. She,along with the President of the United States have blood on their hands. Those who are hell-bent on placing a crown on her head in 2016 will give her a pass...the rest of us demand answers....sorry, no coronation here.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Obamacare - Loosing Its Punch

The wheels are coming off of Obamacare, the socialist health care program crafted by the Democrats and rammed down the throats of Americans. Other than those die-hard liberals who can't see the forest for the trees, no one likes it, no one wants it. Unions, liberal to the core, praised it in the beginning, blast it now. Many Democrats, who pushed it in the beginning are backing away from it now. Even Congress now has gotten a waiver when this was to be "plan for the masses." If it was good enough for the American people it was good enough for Congress. Guess again. 

Senator Max Baucus, (D) from Montana, way back in April, saw the writing on the wall when he  told Health and Human
Sen. Max Baucus
Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius during a routine budget hearing, "I just see a huge train wreck coming down." It should be noted that Senator Baucus was one of the authors of the Affordable Care Act, nicknamed Obamacare.

We are finding out there is nothing 'affordable' about the plan. Obama promised we would see a reduction in health care costs. Instead, families are seeing an increase, in some cases as much as $2500. Obama said, " If you like your current plan you can keep it," and " If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep him/her." Again, many people are finding this to be false.

We are witnessing delays in implementing parts of the plan because (1) the government can't get its act together in getting it off the ground. This is expected as history shows the federal government cannot adequately run any type of
program. Once implemented the IRS is the agency slated to oversee the plan. That's a joke on it's face, especially now that the IRS is just one of several agencies mired in Obama scandals. And (2) the president is picking and choosing which parts of the plan to delay. He's playing politics. With the mid-term elections just around the corner, Democrats up for re-election don't want to have to try and defend unpopular parts of the plan. Something tells me they will have to anyway.

As for the President, he's running up the bill on Air Force One crisscrossing the country trying to sell his 'train wreck.'
Dr. O
At every stop you'll hear him whine about those voices demonizing his signature legislation saying the GOP wants to repeal it, but has not offered any kind of alternate plan. Au Contraire, Mon Ami. Read More: GOP Plans

The Congress is away from D.C. on summer recess. When they return going into the fall a nasty fight over the budget, taxes, spending and spending cuts will command our attention. Republicans are threatening to defund  Obamacare.....Do it! Let's avoid this train wreck!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Happy Hour!!

                                                       Time To Lighten Up!

                             HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bring In The Clowns

Some people have too much time on their hands....some groups have too much time on their in point, the NAACP. A rodeo clown in Missouri wore a Barack Obama mask and the NCAAP is crying foul! Come on. Really? You people need to get a life. 

The Missouri chapter of the NAACP has called for the Department of Justice and the Secret Service to launch a full blown investigation, saying the incident was akin to inciting a riot. This is a joke. “We can’t get the Justice Department to look at Benghazi, so it would be ironic that the Justice Department would investigate a clown," said U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas. So right, Mr. Stockman.
Could it be Al Gore & George Bush?

The clown has been fired and banned for life from the Missouri State Fair for mocking the President of the United States. President's going back to George Washington have been mocked. That's what president's are for, along with any other public figure. It's great fodder and all in fun. As a matter of fact, if you're mocked, you've arrived. This isn't the first time this clown mocked a president at a Missouri state fair rodeo. Read More: Bush Mocked at Fair RodeoWhere was the outrage then!?
Nixon - Where Was
The Outrage?

Since the NAACP issued their demands for an investigation into the incident others have come out calling their reaction over-the-top. Read More: NAACP Ripped Over Clowngate .

It's nice to see their are people out there that are level-
Where Was The Outrage?
headed about these things. 

Note to the NAACP: News Flash....Barack Obama isn't an African American president...he's an American president. Your organization has done a lot of good for the black community over the years. You don't have to besmirch your record by pulling the race card over something as stupid as this.

Note to President Obama: Put on your big boy pants (maybe even an Obama mask), set your narcissism aside, step in front of a microphone and put a stop to this nonsense. Tell the folks you know it was all in fun and you got a chuckle out of it even if you didn't....get the clown's job back. After all, you don't want to be responsible for another job lost.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Obamacare - Becoming A Joke

The train wreck known as "Obamacare" rumbles down the track. The disastrous signature legislation of the Obama
Administration is in lock step with the disaster that is the Obama Presidency. despite it being the law of the land and has a time table for implementation, the president is circumventing the law and picking and choosing what's to be implemented and what's not. Despite the White House's rhetoric to the contrary, delays in putting key pieces of the law into practice are purely political. The unpopularity of the bill among a large majority of Americans spells trouble for the Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections.Thus the delays. And now another key provision of Obamacare is on hold until 2015. Conveniently after the mid-term elections. Read More: Out-of-Pocket Caps Delayed .

All these delays point to three observations:

The law is an unworkable disaster. The Federal Government has missed numerous deadlines in getting it off the ground. One third (33%) of the program will be delayed, not only proving the ineptness of the government but that Obamacare is to large and confusing to be effective. The typical government program. 

If it was a good law, there would be no reason for delays of key, unpopular provisions such as the employer mandate.
President Obama
It's not a good law, and the delays are proof the administration knows it.

The law is widely unpopular with the voting public. It has been from the start. A recent poll shows 57 percent of Americans think the law's implementation "is a joke."
More from Fox News on the matter:
Majorities of Americans think the new health care law is going to increase their medical costs and their taxes -- and add to the federal deficit as well. Those are some of the reasons why voters say -- by a two-to-one margin -- that Congress should keep working on the law.
A Fox News national poll released (last) Thursday also asks voters about how they think Obamacare is being carried out: 31 percent say “it’s going fine,” yet a 57-percent majority feels “it’s a joke.”
In general, just six percent of voters describe Obamacare as “wonderful,” while another 37 percent say “it’s progress.” More voters use negative terms to describe it: 14 percent call it “a step backwards” and 39 percent say “it’s disastrous.”
This is the law that was meant for everybody...including Congress. The health care program Democrats ballyhooed as a great and wonderful thing. It was rammed down our throats in a short period of time and without a single Republican vote. Now Democrats in Congress are stepping back, "Uh, we aren't sure we like this..we want a waiver." Obama steps in, "Granted." Congress gets a break. The American people don't get one. They are held hostage.
Charles Hurt wrote an opinion on this in the  The Washington Times . It's a great read and should be shared. Read More:  Obamacare's Slap in the Public's Face

Congress and President Obama see themselves as a "ruling" class, elitists above the rest of us. They forget, and refuse to acknowledge, that they are servants of the people. Being there is a privilege, not a right. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More Stupidity From Our Friends in D.C.

 Congress is in recess which is a good thing, because as long as they aren't in Washington they can't screw things up. Nonetheless, even with Congress gone stupidity in Washington still reigns. Witness if you will;

>>Obama's "Big Brother is Watching You" campaign is about to take another step. We all know there are
Black Box Event Recorder
so-called "black boxes" on airplanes that give vital flight info in the case of a crash. How about one for your car? Really?! New cars already have them.  Is this more of an intrusion on our privacy? Read More: 
The Black Box for Cars
>>Eric Holder, our esteemed attorney general, along with being involved in several Obama Administration scandals, including possibly lying to Congress, continues to play
Attorney General Holder
politics with his high office. Seems he doesn't like the idea that States have or are invoking laws requiring photo IDs to vote. So, he's suing them...Texas and soon to be North Carolina. Read More: Suit pending? North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory touched off the latest Holder rant by signing a new bill into law.

Hmmm...Mr. Holder ain't stupid (well...). He knows that you need a photo ID to board an airplane, to buy beer, liquor and cigarettes, drive a car, even to enter FEDERAL BUILDINGS! So why not to vote? Has to do with elections. Without the photo ID to prove who they are, his illegal, undocumented friends from across the border will be able to vote. What a guy!!
>>Not to be outdone by the stupidity in Washington, our loony friends in California have out done themselves. Gov. Jerry Brown, a product of the wacky, strung out world of hippydom in the 60's, has signed in to law a gender bill that could only happen in California. Read More: Which Restroom Should I Visit Today - His or Hers? . This may be good (?) for transgender kids...(boy uses girl's bathroom) but what about the girl who has an issue with a boy in the bathroom..transgender or not?  Hello, Jerry??!! There's and old saying about California being like take out the fruits and the nuts and you still have the flakes....apologies if I offended some of you Californians out there. Lighten up.
>>Finally from the not-so-stupid file, how about this guy in Congress? "Duck Dynasty" star Willie Robertson. Read More: "Duck Call" to Congress. That would shake the halls
"Congressman" Robertson?
of the elite 'ruling class' up. Democrats would have a real problem with Willie taking a seat in Congress....he is actually smart! And yes, keep the beard and headband. Let's see how Harry and Nancy deal with that!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hey, Hillary!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Obama Loves Doing The TV Talk Show Circuit, But At What Cost?

The president's disapproval rating, as of this writing, stands at 52%, the highest of his presidency. Only 42% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. Not good. There are a thousand and one reasons for this, everything from the economy that's been in the tank the past five years, the stagnant and high unemployment rate around 7.4%, the "phony" scandals the administration has gotten itself into, to the president's spending (bad) habit that continues, just to name a few.

The spending (much of it wasteful) has the National Debt of this country out of control, barreling toward a hefty $17 trillion dollars (National Debt Clock ). Each dollar puts a heavy load of debt on future generations, our children and grandchildren. But
there seems to be no desire on the part of President Obama to cut the spending...instead he wants to ramp it up, calling for a budget of increased spending and higher taxes. It's estimated that by the time he leaves office in 2016 our National Debt will have topped $20 trillion dollars. This is borrowed money, mostly from the Chinese.

Obama's penchant for raiding the taxpayer's purse extends to his almost daily travel around the country in his favorite "boy toy," Air Force One, in search of a camera and microphone. It seems a daily speech is required from one who enjoys hearing himself talk and for some reason he can't do it from the confines of the White House. Thus the extravagant cost to taxpayers to fly him around.

It costs $180,000 per flight hour to run Air Force One.
Pres.Obama on Air Force One
It would have taken yours truly just over three years of income to pay for that one hour.

Let's take the president's recent 'unnecessary' trip across country to yuk it up with Jay Leno on the "Tonight Show." Talk about waste. Obama has appeared on no less than 10 TV talk shows while in office, more than any other president going back to the early 1960s....and visiting Mr. Leno in L.A. is not cheap. At $180K per flight hour, it cost taxpayers more than $1.8 million  just for the flying time to California and back. That figure does not include the time Mr. Obama spent in Marine One, the president's helicopter. Other expenses
Good Times on the Tonight Show
include the huge entourage of staff and Secret Security agents that have to be fed and housed. And every president just can't get in a vehicle and go...unless a convoy of 20 other vehicles are with him. An expensive undertaking, to be sure.

No one begrudges our presidents riding in style and in a secure manner in which they can fully govern the country even in an emergency from the confines of Air Force One. But Mr. Obama has abused the privilege as it seems almost daily he's somewhere other than Washington, D.C. And while he complains that the government is out of money because Congress won't get together on budget issues, the hypocrisy is there is no effort on his part to do his part and cut out the wasteful, nonsensical travel. But...boys will be boys when it comes to their toys!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The pending train wreck known as Obamacare is now ObamaSCAM. Who got scammed? We did. The American public. Rammed down our collective throats four and a half years ago by Democrats so eager to pass it, they never read the bill. They went along with the idea that if it was good enough for the public it was good enough for Congress. 

Well, not anymore. Now that they know what's in the bill, Congress is whining that it's not right that they have to participate fully because they will loose a number of other benefits. So guess what? They get pass, courtesy of the King of America, Barack H. Obama! Read More: The Fix Is In! 

As Alexis Levinson wrote in the The Daily Caller.Com , the president had a personal hand in the change:
"Last week, when President Barack Obama came to the Hill to meet with Senate Democrats, he informed them that he would personally get involved to sort out the confusion, and the White House said that OPM would issue guidelines this week.
The guidelines, released Wednesday, allow for members and staff to retain their subsidies from the government, an exception in exchange for giving up “premium tax credits” that they would otherwise be eligible for under Obamacare."
The public doesn't want this piece of legislative tripe. Never has. And this latest rouse by the president on behalf of Congress is just the latest in the biggest scam perpetrated on the citizens of this country. Remember this? "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep him...if you like your current plan, you'll be able to keep it." Words of the president, proven to be false...part of the scam. Obamacare was said to cost us less. Not even fully implemented and already costing us more...part of the scam. And there's a lot more to come.

Hundreds of  companies have received numerous waivers on the plan, including the Employers Mandate, put off for a year. Did the general public receive a years reprieve? Not gonna happen.

So, we've been scammed...let's hope the House of Representatives has the guts to defund ObamaSCAM in the fall.....

Monday, August 5, 2013

Obama Spends Money Like We Had It

From the "in case you missed it" file, it recently came to light that President Obama,showing true love for his Muslim buddies, ponied up some $500 million to the Palestinians. "What? How can that be," you ask. "Aren't we, as the Obama bunch claim, out of money? You know, that sequester thing and all?" Ha! Read More: Obama Funds The Palestinians
Your Tax Dollars At Work

We Americans need to wake up to the fact that we are dealing with a president that is out of control. He cares not a twit about spending our money, whether it's on his family's lavish vacations or on a group that is a sworn enemy of our strongest ally in the Middle East. He does it with impunity, and, as the above link suggests, illegally by-passing Congress claiming executive authority. On a trip to Colorado in 2011 the president said of Congress and his economic policies, “And where Congress is not willing to act, we’re going to go ahead and do it ourselves.” So it would now appear he has taken the liberty to include foreign aid in that statement.

The Palestinian Authority, who received the check, is tied to the terrorist group, Hamas. The president says he gave the money in the interest of "National Security." Whose, Mr. President, ours or theirs? 

This isn't the first time the president funded government tied to terrorists. In April of 2012 he quietly sent $1.5 million to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government. In an article written for National Review Online  on  April 7, 2012  Andrew C. McCarthy said:
"....... having dug our nation into a $16 trillion debt hole, President Obama has nevertheless decided to borrow more money from unfriendly powers like China so he can give it to an outfit that views the United States as an enemy to be destroyed."
Since then history has moved on. An uprising of the Egyptian people has forced the ouster of its president, Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood influence.

Also, in case you missed it, The administration has closed numerous Embassies and Consulates around the Middle East. Apparently there has been a lot of "chatter" among Al Qaeda big wigs plotting their next terrorist attacks. Read More: Terrorists Plan Attacks

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Mr. Obama, on more than one occasion, declare Al Qaeda all but dead? 

Hmmm! Really, Mr. President?