Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The pending train wreck known as Obamacare is now ObamaSCAM. Who got scammed? We did. The American public. Rammed down our collective throats four and a half years ago by Democrats so eager to pass it, they never read the bill. They went along with the idea that if it was good enough for the public it was good enough for Congress. 

Well, not anymore. Now that they know what's in the bill, Congress is whining that it's not right that they have to participate fully because they will loose a number of other benefits. So guess what? They get pass, courtesy of the King of America, Barack H. Obama! Read More: The Fix Is In! 

As Alexis Levinson wrote in the The Daily Caller.Com , the president had a personal hand in the change:
"Last week, when President Barack Obama came to the Hill to meet with Senate Democrats, he informed them that he would personally get involved to sort out the confusion, and the White House said that OPM would issue guidelines this week.
The guidelines, released Wednesday, allow for members and staff to retain their subsidies from the government, an exception in exchange for giving up “premium tax credits” that they would otherwise be eligible for under Obamacare."
The public doesn't want this piece of legislative tripe. Never has. And this latest rouse by the president on behalf of Congress is just the latest in the biggest scam perpetrated on the citizens of this country. Remember this? "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep him...if you like your current plan, you'll be able to keep it." Words of the president, proven to be false...part of the scam. Obamacare was said to cost us less. Not even fully implemented and already costing us more...part of the scam. And there's a lot more to come.

Hundreds of  companies have received numerous waivers on the plan, including the Employers Mandate, put off for a year. Did the general public receive a years reprieve? Not gonna happen.

So, we've been scammed...let's hope the House of Representatives has the guts to defund ObamaSCAM in the fall.....

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