Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thoughts on This Week's News:

Three heavy news stories top this week's events. Here's some thoughts:

 >Ft. Hood Shooter Sentenced

Army Major Nidal Hasan, found guilty of killing 13 soldiers and injuring more than 30 others in a shooting rampage in 2009 at Ft. Hood, TX., was sentenced to death. This is what Hasan wanted...the death penalty. It will make him a martyr in the eyes of
Nidal Hasan
his Muslim terrorist brothers. He should have been given life to deny him of his wish. Military death cases are automatically appealed. Analysts predict the penalty will stand despite most death sentences in the past have been overturned. 

Another atrocity of this story is that the Obama administration, despite Hasan's terrorist affiliations and admission he did it in the name of 'Allah,' declared this crime as 'workplace violence', thus denying the  families of the dead and the wounded of combat  and other benefits including the Purple Heart. This is a despicable act on the part of the president. It was declared workplace violence purely for political reasons...the president did not want the black mark on his record that the United States was attacked by terrorists on his watch. It happened at Ft. Hood and it happened in Benghazi, Lybia, the Consulate there and any Consulate or Embassy on foreign soil is considered sovereign U.S. territory. Not wanting that black mark is another reason the administration tried to cover up the Benghazi attack saying it was the result of some dumb video that sparked a spontaneous uprising of a pissed off mob. We know it was, in fact, the work of Al Qaeda.

>Syria: To Attack Or Not To Attack

President Obama has said unequivocally that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on it's own people. Some are not so convinced. There are members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who are asking for more evidence. The Brits are also leery of jumping the gun on this as they would be part of a coalition. They want to wait for United Nation's inspectors to conclude a report after visiting Syria which took its time allowing the
President Obama
inspectors in which means they probably cleaned up the site. But late Thursday the British Parliament voted against action against Syria, a major setback for President Obama. 

The president has somewhat backed himself into a corner having drawn a 'red line' in the sand a year ago that the use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Assad would mean military intervention by the U.S. Obama has a habit of putting his mouth in gear before engaging his brain. He probably thought Assad would shake in his boots by the 'red line' threat and wouldn't do it. But Assad may have called Obama's bluff. Now, if Obama backs off without any response, the world would see the U.S. as weak. Actually, it appears that what little evidence there is one has to wonder who is responsible for releasing the chemical weapons, the Assad regime or the rebels. It's really not known for sure at this point.
Congress has yelled loud and clear that the president cannot act
Syrian President Assad
without its authorization. If Obama acts unilaterally he will violate the Constitution, which may be an impeachable offense. This president has
in the past shown disdain for the Constitution and it wouldn't be a surprise if he goes it alone. He is holding a series of briefings for certain members of Congress but they want the final say.
Action against Syria will have additional consequences. Iran, a friend of the Syrian government, will certainly turn on Israel, who will retaliate, and we would have Israel's back and here we go....more fun in the Middle East...are you ready for that?

>Miley Cyrus: Crash And Burn

This week we witnessed the downfall of a once teenage star. Millions witnessed Miley Cyrus', once the face of Disney's 'Hannah Montana,' fall from grace at the MTV VMA telecast last Sunday. Scantly clad in what looked like a poor excuse for 1950's style
Miley Cyrus & Robin Thicke
underwear, Ms. Cyrus performed a raunchy, sexually explicit dance routine with singer Robin Thicke. Needless to say it was disgusting at best, given that the MTV show was a family affair with kids at home watching and many in the audience. Cyrus has dumped the wholesomeness that was Hannah Montana and taken on a raunchy, in your face persona. Her display of bad taste in front of a national audience was the main topic of discussion across the country early in the week. The obsession with Miley Cyrus by the national news media was equally disgusting given the fact that the country was on the brink of possible war with Syria in which our
Actor Will Smith & His Family React To Miley Cyrus' performance

troops would once again be put in harm's way. Instead we were consumed with a 20 year old and her lewd gyrations before millions of what used to be adoring admirers. But that was Miley Cyrus' intent. she knew what she was doing. The point was to draw as much attention to herself no matter how negative. She succeeded. She also succeeded in not advancing her opinion. Crash and burn, Ms. Cyrus.

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