Monday, September 3, 2012

On the Eve of the Democratic National Convention..Some Thoughts

How fitting that on the day the Democratic National Convention kicks off in Charlotte, NC., the national debt tops $16 TRILLION. Mr. Obama, in 3.5 years of occupying the Oval Office, has added $5.5 TRILLION all by himself. And if he is re-elected it's estimated that Obama will up the anti several TRILLION more dollars before being put out to pasture. Sorry, but the country can no longer afford this man.

Speaking of the Dems National get-together, how ironic that while the Obama Justice Dept. is wasting time and money suing states that require photo IDs  to vote, you would need a photo ID to get into their fun-fest in Charlotte this week. Hypocritical? Just asking.

Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley claims we are better off now than we were four years ago. Huh!? Doubt he conferred with the 23 million Americans either out of work, under-employed or have given up looking for work or the 14 million people on food stamps.

The President doesn't have a record to run on (well, he does, but it's in the toilet..a total embarrassment) therefore we probably won't here much of his accomplishments this week. They'll claim this and they'll claim that (my favorite is the many private sector jobs they say they've created. Here again, the 23 million mentioned in the previous paragraph would disagree). Instead they will continue to run their bitter and hateful campaign that we've seen the last few months... demanding Romney's tax returns ( the IRS doesn't seem to have a problem with them, therefore it's none of their business), continuing their insane nonsense about Romney and Bain Capital ( old and tired news), dividing the country through class warfare by promising to tax the hell out of the job providers ( which will lead to a higher unemployment rate). maybe they'll even accuse Gov. Romney of murder think!?

Speaking of President Obama's record...if you compare it to the last democratic president's record, Bill Clinton, you would have to surmise that Obama is a complete and utter failure:
                                         Average Jobless Rate *
                          Clinton  5.2%                      Obama 9%
                        Average GDP (Growth Domestic Product) **
                          Clinton 3.9%                        Obama 0.7%
                                          Total Federal Deficit **
                          Clinton $1.5 Trillion               Obama $5.3 Trillion
Maybe the Democrats should nominate Bill Clinton at their convention this week. Just a thought.

One last thought....Liberals like to bash Bush saying he was late responding to Hurricane Katrina when she pummeled New Orleans several years ago. The day after the Republican National Convention last week, Mitt Romney headed to Louisiana to see the damage and meet with the victims of Hurricane Isaac that had just hit the state. The president, instead, headed off to fund raise, only forced to change plans after learning of the Romney visit and run to the area 4 days later (and he had to Bush Bash in the process...are we surprised?) Obama was also late to the BP oil spill in the Gulf in 2010. Remember that? It was 10 days after the spill that he finally got involved, again out fund raising and playing golf with friends. So much for Bush Bashing....

.......And R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan, 1957-2012. Academy Award Nominee for "The Green Mile."

Source:  * BLS  ** BEA  *** Treasury Dept.

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