Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Holloween Trick or Treat !?!?

                        President-Wanna-Be Hillary..........Be Careful What You Witch For!

                                                               HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

White House Comes Clean on Obamacare

Remember this lie President Obama told when pushing Obamacare?

 Well, finally, the White House has to admit that at best, the president was stretching the truth. Read More: You Really Can't Keep Your Health Care Plan
How well can you trust this guy? It's been reported that the White House has known for THREE YEARS that the president's comments weren't true, and yet they continued to spout it. Read More: The White House Knew

The president also said Obamacare would make health care cheaper. Really? Read More: Obamacare Sticker Shock

Many people are either being told their current insurance premiums are skyrocketing or they are being dropped. Others have lost their jobs or have had hours decreased from full time to part time. (Note: currently there are more than 90 million adults in this country out of the work force.) As time goes on, we will feel the full brunt of
Gremlins at work on Obamacare
the catastrophe Obamacare will have on our lives. Much of it by January of next year, unless further delays are imposed. Billions upon billions of taxpayer $$$$ have been spent on a website that does not work and will not work. It will take billions more to fix it. 

This is what this president thinks is good for America. Unfortunately for Americans, and future generations, his policies will have a a disastrous affect on this country for years to come.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Tax Man Cometh...Again!

Americans, as is everyone else in the world, are in love with their cars. We drive to work in our cars, drive to entertainment venues in our cars, take trips in our cars...we go everywhere in our cars. Put a tank of gas in our cars and away we go. Of late, we have been complaining a lot about the cost of that gas, averaging well over $3 gallon for the past five years. That price breaks down a lot of different ways. Getting a cut is the supplier, shipper, vendor, state and federal governments. Those last two get their share by way of the dreaded "T" word...taxes.

The federal people say the so called gas fund is broke (seems everything in Washington is 'broke' these days) and politicians are afraid to raise the gas tax per gallon because the total cost per gallon is high and it might not make the driving public too happy. Like a new tax would?! Hypocrites they are because they think nothing of raising the income tax despite low incomes (that are getting even lower.) 
So, their plan to raise money is to strap a black box to your beloved vehicle and tax you as you drive! No joke! Click the link to get the skinny on this new 'Big Brother' intrusion: You Drive, They Tax

Sorry, but if this is allowed to happen, there's no telling how far they will take it. It's akin to to the NSA collecting info on your cell phone calls and emails. They can say all they want that they won't collect data on where you drive or when or anything else. Bull! They can expand this thing as far as they want...and will. Beware!

As for the funding part of this scheme, they may lower the federal and or state tax and add the miles to it. But since they are trying to increase the amount of money they take in, it will cost you more. Politicians are stupid by nature and this is just one more stupid idea. If they think that taxing Americans by the mile will bring more money into the coffers, they're nuts. People will cut their driving habits a ton and consolidate their trips to avoid paying more in taxes, so the coffers will suffer anyway. 

So, what is the solution? Something the government doesn't know how to do but that we demand it do. We all know their is mega tons of waste in government. Cut out the waste and overspending and redistribute some of money into the gas fund and there will be no need for this obvious intrusive nonsense into our lives.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Obamacare: More of a Train Wreck Than Originally Thought

 The Affordable Health Care Act, lovingly known as Obamacare, is becoming more of a disaster everyday. The law was passed in 2010 with Democrats voting it in. No Republicans signed on as they had the foresight to see what was coming.

Having three years to get this thing ready to greet the insurance buying public, the administration has totally botched it. The website
one visits to obtain Obamacare is as much of a disaster as the law itself. Obama and his cronies spent over $300 million dollars on the technology only to have it fail. How much more $$$ will it take to fix it? 

The White House and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius are going out of their way to protect the president on the web site's failure. Sebelius insists Obama didn't know the site had mega problems until they rolled it out on Oct. 1.
HHS Secy Kathleen Sebelius
I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe that the president was not aware that his so-called single 'signature' domestic accomplishment was about to blow up. After all, this is his legacy. One would think the president would keep up with the monstrosity every step of the way. So, either he knew the website had problems or he didn't. If he didn't it would have been Sebelius' responsibility to inform the president. She was derelict in her duties if she didn't. If he knew he should have taken steps to delay it's inception until it was right. He didn't.

 Sebelius has a lot to answer for. This roll out is her baby. Some in Congress are calling for her to be fired. That's not going to happen. Obama has a habit of promoting those who screw up. Former Obama press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said publicly that heads must roll over this. There's a question in some circles that Sebelius is not qualified for heading HHS. Congress will get there shot next week when Sebelius is to appear before a House committee looking into the website debacle.

Democrats on the committee, such as Rep. Henry Waxman, keep touting how good Obamacare is, despite the website failure. The President is also running around the country saying the website might be flawed, but the product is good. Really?? Read More: Millions to Lose Insurance Due to O-care

Two weeks ago, during the debt ceiling debate, Republicans first hung their argument on defunding  Obamacare. When that didn't work the argued that since Obamacare was not ready for 'prime time,' as they say, that the individual mandate for people to sign up
for the program should be delayed a year. Obama had granted a reprieve for businesses but refused to for individuals. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that will never happen. Not so fast, Harry. Many of your democrat friends who are up for reelection are getting antsy as they see Obamacare is becoming the train wreck it was said to be. There are hints some may defy Reid and the White House and call for an individual mandate delay since they now have their backs against the wall in their home states.

 As for the Republicans, they would so well to just sit back and let Obamacare fall under its own weight. Those who wish to run against incumbent Democrats may well have a diamond in the rough.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obamacare is Done!!

 The disaster known as the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare and a train wreck may have met its end. After all the wrangling on the part of Congress to derail President Obama's hugely unpopular socialistic health care program, it may have been done by a federal judge: Read More: Judge Refuses to Dismiss Case Against Obamacare
Now,  this ruling does not mean Obamacare is finished and we can all go back to a civil peace of mind. It simply means the judge is going to let this particular law suit go forward. It may ultimately lose and we are stuck with the law, or, those who brought the suit may win, in which case Obamacare will be on a slippery slope to extinction, keeping in mind, of course, it would be appealed.

Nevertheless, this judge apparently saw how the Obama administration has been overstepping its bounds with Obamacare. This is nothing new with President Obama. He seems to think he is above the law, having on many occasions broken laws on the books and defied the Constitution. A law passed by Congress is passed as written and cannot be changed or revised without Congressional approval. Obama, since the Democrats passed Obamacare in 2010 (there were no Republicans who voted in favor) has changed the law several times. He has given waivers to Obamacare to hundreds of companies, special compensation to his labor union friends, subsidies to Congress and their staffs, implementation delays to specific parts of Obamacare and a one year delay to the employer mandate....all in violation of the law. As pointed out in the article linked above, several government agencies have also defied the law as passed by Congress.

So, good for this federal judge, for not rolling over for this corrupt administration.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Government Reopens, Obamacare Blunders & Obama Has a Problem...With Bloggers!

 The partial ( a paltry 17 per cent) sixteen day government shutdown is over. President Obama is probably lamenting it's demise as this is what he orchestrated and wanted to happen. Workers who were furloughed went back to work after their vacation (they will get paid for the days they spent enjoying their time away from work).

What was disgusting about this whole thing was seeing Senator's slapping themselves on the back saying how great it was that they could all come together in a bipartisan manner to get this done to avoid the country defaulting on it's debts. THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. They didn't cut spending, it continues out of control heading for a monumental $17 trillion, and Obamacare, the train wreck no one wants, continues to be a joke (more on that later). All they did was put everything off until January when this happens all over again. The have to reach an agreement by December 13. They won't. They never do. And if they think this do-nothing president is going to sit down and negotiate this time, forget it. He has no intention to.

The Republicans in the House fought the good fight, initially going after Obamacare, which was the wrong strategy. They should have stuck with spending cuts, which they proposed too late. The Senate folded and caved as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid along with the president held the country hostage until they finally got what
                   McConnell                         Reid                   
they wanted. Minority leader in the Senate, Republican Mitch McConnell, wasn't going to go to bat for the GOP. Harry bribed McConnell with a $3 billion dollar pork barrel gift for a damn (oops! Dam) project in his home state of Kentucky and he took it. McConnell of course, denies he knew anything about it. Right!! This may set well with his fellow Kentuckians as he fights for what is considered a shaky reelection bid, but to the rest of us, it stinks. 

As for Obamacare, it continues to be a sorry commentary on the state of things in this country. The website for signing up for for what people mistakenly think is a good thing, is as big a failure as
the program itself. The government had 3 plus years to get this thing right before rolling it out to the public on October 1. And they spent $93 MILLION on it!! Just another example of the federal government proving they can't run anything and wasting a lot of taxpayer dollars doing it. No telling how much more they will blow trying to get it right.
While the Obama administration won't say, it's estimated some 9 million people visited the site, which has multiple software problems. Read More: Glitch! Glitch! Glitch! 
Out of that bunch only some 36,000 have signed up. Pretty poor. But  the sticker shock people are reporting might mean people will opt to pay the so-called penalty instead of taking the insurance, which might eventually mean the downfall of this disaster. Let's hope. It has to go. Along with Obama's spending binge, Obamacare is destroying the economy causing lost jobs, lower incomes and employers cutting employee hours...and this is what he calls his SIGNATURE domestic achievement!

Obama, not surprisingly, has blamed the last three weeks on anyone and everyone, especially Republicans (that's okay, we can blame the last five years on him), and he's telling Congress to ignore those that bug him. Click the video to hear Obama's latest whine...

 LOL....nice to know we bloggers are getting under the King's skin!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Obama's Scam is in!

 So the House of Representatives has passed the Senate's bill to re-pen the government. A bill that basically raises the debt limit for the 80 something time in our history. A bill that will add to the debt that is rapidly heading toward $17 trillion dollars. Obama and his henchman in the senate, Harry Reid, has scammed the country. This bill allows the government to operate and continue to borrow money at the current rate...until just after the first of the year when we do it all over again. The Obama-Reid scam raises the debt ceiling without a single spending cut. Those Republicans that bought into the scam will probably pay come election time...So after more than two weeks of nonsense in Washington, we have accomplished nothing on the part of the American people...other than to have gotten scammed.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GOP Needs To Re-group and Re-focus

This budget and debt ceiling stuff is getting to ridiculous to care about anymore.It's been more than obvious since this nonsense began who can remember when that the President and his key henchman in the Senate, Harry Reid, never had any intention on compromising with the House Republicans no matter what. They were hell-bent on doing what they did...shut down the government.

Republicans couldn't drum up the votes to get what seemed to be a good bill to the Senate which probably would have flown, but several malcontents in the House shot it down. Now, Reid will strong arm Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell which shouldn't be hard because he's not that strong of a leader.

Republicans will do well to forget this fight...they aren't going to win it. They need to concentrate on the 2014 mid term elections and hammer home hot and heavy the Obamacare train wreck. People are already finding out what a disaster it is and it will be more so in the months to come. If the GOP plays its cards right (something they're not prone to do) Obamacare by itself will eventually hang the Democrats, which should be a boon to Republicans in the elections. The Democrats own that train wreck all by themselves. It was rammed down our throats without a single Republican vote. The GOP can run strong on that. Every Democrat up for reelection is has his/her back against the wall because they see that Obamacare is going to take down the health care system of this country and they are responsible. And lets not forget this president still wants to continue spending this country into bankruptcy. The GOP has been handed some a gifts. They need to take advantage of it.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dems Play Dirty Politics At Publics Expense and Sure Enough, The White House Lacks A Leader

>> Administration Inflates Shutdown Closures
The Democrats, it appears, played dirty politics with government shutdown at the expense of the American public. Are we surprised?? The Democrats are known for this. When the government shut down, partially, President Obama decided what shut down would be the things that affected the public the most...museums, monuments, national parks. These weren't necessary. But being the sadistic person he is, the president inflicted the pain on the public and blamed the Republicans. Read More: Obama Targeted Shut Down Cuts
>> An Amateur In The White House?
I mentioned in yesterday's blog that Obama's actions and non-actions during his self-imposed government shutdown showed his ineptness to lead and thus we had an amateur in the White House. Fox news contributor   posts such an opinion: Read More: Klein Says Presidency Is No Place For Obama

(Edward Klein is the former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine. His latest book is "The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House" (Regnery 2012) which has just been released in paperback.) 

To get a good perspective on President Obama, I suggest you read Mr. Klein's book mentioned above.

I found it to be an eye-opener on the man with little experience found his way to the world's most powerful position.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dems Fail To Strike A Deal

President Obama has done it again...refused to compromise on a deal to end the shut down. What is this, about the fifth or sixth plan the House has put forth? Who's counting anymore. After meeting with the house leadership on Friday (something new for Obama since he's refused even that in this battle) the president nixed the plan by the Republicans. Read More: Obama AGAIN Says No Deal

So now the game goes to the Senate where Senator Harry Reid, this country's #1 villain, resides. Reid, like Obama, would have nothing
to do with any of the Houses' proposals. It's quite clear Obama and Reid wanted this shutdown from the beginning. They orchestrated it, they own matter the lies and distortion from the liberal media to the contrary, namely NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and a host of far right rags led by the New York Times. 

After killing the House GOP plan, Reid wasted no time in scuttling a proposal by Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins. Read More: Reid Kills Collins Plan. Ultimately, Reid will ramrod a deal through the Senate that in the end accomplishes nothing from the standpoint of significant spending cuts or changes to Obama's train wreck, Obamacare. Let us not forget the Democrats own that one, too, lock, stock and barrel. 

Notice the Democrats are never happy with what they have. It does no good to negotiate with them, because if you manage to strike a deal, they always want to come back and change it. Now, after Obama blew off the latest Republican answer to ending this fiasco, Harry Reid and the rest of his liberal loony tunes, as part of an agreement, want the spending cuts brought about by the 'sequester' of last January revoked. Any surprise? Not really. They want the spending the sequester did away with along with new surprise there either. ( new revenue is liberal speak for tax increases). Read More: Democrats After Sequester Killed

Obama now has an approval rating of 37 per cent, while 53 per cent of Americans think he's doing a lousy job. The remaining 10 per cent aren't paying attention and probably have no clue who Barack Obama is anyway. These numbers show a lack of confidence in
Obama by the voting public. He lacks leadership skills, objectivity, business savvy, and has shown he is in over his head. He, in effect, is an amateur. Republicans have a lot of ammunition going into the 2014 mid-term elections. They need to get their act together as a party (get over their nonsense feud with the Tea Party) and go hot and heavy after the Democrats for what they are....stewards of the destruction of this country as we know it. We can only hope.

Friday, October 11, 2013

                                     Obamacare.......How Much We Like It!

                               HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND !

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Despicable Me 3....Starring Barack Obama

UPDATE: The president finally did what he should have done 10 days ago. Used his pen to allow death benefits to be paid to the 26 families of fallen soldiers since the shut down began Oct.1st.

>> Despicable Me 3...Starring Barack Obama:
The president wins the most despicable person award for his non-action toward dead American soldiers returning home from war. Because of the government shutdown he caused, the families of soldiers killed in action will not receive from the government the death benefit payments they are entitled to. After the shutdown went into effect on October 1, Congress passed legislation allowing the military to be paid during the shutdown, but some loony tune in the Pentagon decided the death benefits were not included in the
bill.  Republicans argued they were, Democrats put on their "screw you" hats and said no. Instead, a charity picked up the tab for these families. Despicable, to be sure. The Pentagon and White House waffled for days through this saying there is a process to get it done. Excuse me...this is a president who circumvents laws, Congress and the Constitution with a stoke of the pen. An Executive Order from the president is all it takes. But, Obama is hell bent on insuring Americans 'feel the pain' of his self imposed shutdown even at the expense of the families who lost loved ones defending this country.

>> What?! The president blinked?? Appears so. Mr. Obama, who rudely turned his back on every GOP proposal to avoid a government shutdown and said never to negotiate has now said...'well, maybe.'
With his approval rating plummeting to an all time low 37 per cent and Americans thinking this isn't all Republicans doing and his back against the wall on the debt ceiling argument, he's now willing to talk. Obama had said no deals on the debt ceiling, but public pressure
Obama   and   Boehner
has said no hike without spending cuts. The GOP has put forward a plan. Read More: GOP Offers Debt Ceiling Hike..String Attached

So, will Obama REALLY sit down with House Speaker John Boehner & Co., or is this another ploy on the part of the president? How serious is he on wanting to end the stalemate.

>> Speaking of the debt, President 'Big Spender' Obama appears not to know the meaning of the word. Either that or he doesn't care that the debt of this country is Obama's second train wreck (Obamacare being his first). Digest this, if you will..Since he took office in January, 2009 Obama has increased this nation's debt an unbelievable 57 per cent! Read More: Debt Out Of Control
Click the link to see your money slipping away in real time. By the way, your share of this debt is $53,532: National Debt Clock

>> Jobs, Jobs, Jobs....seems the subject has gone away. The media is ignoring it and the Obama administration is ignoring it. despite the White House claims that things are getting better, weekly jobless claims jumped a whopping 25.5 per cent. Read More: Unemployment Line Increases
So much for his pledge after pledge after pledge to put people back to work...instead he's found a way to put more people lout of work, reduce the pay of those who do work and put almost half of the workforce on part-time's called Obamacare.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Democratic Hypocrisy On Display In D.C.

Obama has shut down the government while blaming the surprise there. The man has never taken responsibility for anything. He will eventually blame the failure of Obamacare on someone. 

Now, the fight over raising the debt ceiling looms big in D.C. Obama says he won't negotiate spending cuts until Republicans agree to raising the limit without strings. We've been down this road before with Mr. Obama. He promised to negotiate spending cuts if the Republicans caved on the Fiscal Cliff debacle of last December. They did, he didn't. Barack Obama is not to be trusted.

Hypocrisy reigns among the Democrats. When George W. Bush was president Obama was against raising the debt ceiling:

Funny, the president whines that the GOP is willing to default the country on its debts and ruin the good faith and name of the United States. I guess it was okay to do it in 2006, right, Mr. President?

              Then there was this from Senator Harry Reid, also in 2006 (Click the video)

 It's embarrassing and a shame that we have these kinds of people ruining the country from their lofty positions in Washington D.C.      Is it any wonder we are the new laughing stock of the world.
2016 cannot come soon enough!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

President Obama Cares Not about.....

President Obama cares not about unemployment on this country. There are more than 23 million people out of work and only about half of those working have full time jobs. the REAL unemployment rate is about 14 percent. That includes people who have given up looking out of frustration. The government disrespectfully does not count these people among the unemployed. Go figure...

President Obama cares not about the growing poverty in this country.
The poverty rate in 2009 when he took office was 14.3 percent. It now sits at 15.1 percent, or 46.2 million people. One in six Americans are at the poverty level of of $22,314 (for a family of four) or less. He has done nothing to change this.

President Obama cares not about the growing national debt of this country. He has a feminine side of "Spend, Spend, Spend!" (Sorry, ladies). The National Debt on the day Obama took office on January 20, 2009 was $10.62 trillion. By the time Obama's first term ended in January of this year the debt had topped $16 trillion dollars. During  President Bush’s two terms (8 yrs)  in the White House the debt rose $4.89 trillion. Obama jumped the debt by $5.8 trillion in just his first 4 years. The debt is barreling towards $17
trillion as of this writing. Click the link to see the U.S. Debt Clock. It's projected the National Debt will hit $20 trillion by the time Obama thankfully leaves office in January of 2017. He cares not about the debt he is leaving our children, grandchildren and beyond.

President Obama cares not that he has partially shut down the government because of this refusal to come to a budget agreement with the Republicans over spending. He cares not that the train wreck he is engineering called Obamacare is a blight on the health system of this country and has had and will have disastrous consequences in the years ahead, despite 60 percent of the country disapproving of it.

So..what does President Obama care about?
 “If I were the owner of the team and I knew that there was a name of my team — even if it had a storied history — that was offending a sizeable group of people, I’d think about changing it,” Obama said in an interview published by the Associated Press on Saturday
There you have it. Obama cares about the fact that the NFL's Washington REDSKINS name might offend some people.

To be sure, this is not a new argument. Liberals with too much time on their hands have been barking about this for a number of years now. Some Native American groups view it as a racial slur. Former Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke had a different view, "I admire
the Redskins name. I think it stands for bravery, courage, and a stalwart spirit and I see no reason why we shouldn't continue to use it. "Current Owner Dan Snyder says as long as he owns the team, he will never change the name. The Redskins were given the name in 1933 by then owner George Marshall in honor, it's believed, of the team's head coach, Lone Star Dietz who claimed to be part Sioux.

Mr. President. These things are not for presidents, but for those it really concerns. What should concern you is listed above.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Bottoms Up!

                               HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Need Obamacare? Dial 1-800-F**KYO !

 Yep! No joke! The national hot line number for Obamacare is: 1-800-F**CKYO. From the start it has been no secret that this social health care program would screw the public. Well, here you go! Adding to the promise of Obamacare being 'High Cost, Less Care' is the insult added when you dial the number. Read More: Obamacare Phone # No Joke.
We shouldn't be surprised at this coming from the same president that shut down the government because he refused to sit down with the opposition to work out a deal. The same president who just shut down, along with other monuments, the World War II Memorial to hundreds of vets who showed up their Monday to see the tribute to
WW II Vets Visit Memorial
them. These guys were met by barricades and security guards. Not a big deal for the vets who stormed the beaches of Normandy or bombed the Germans from bases in Italy and France. The men of World War II got to see their memorial, pushing past the barricades, the president's shut down be damned. To the security guards credit, they did not attempt to stop the vets from entering. (By the way...the seven security people the president had at the WWI Memorial was two more than he had in Benghazi.)

 There is some concern the closing this memorial was part of the 'dirty tricks' this administration pulled to make the shut down as painful and visible as possible to the public. Read More: GOP Questions Monument Closings

 Two things are certain right now....the shutdown continues and Obamacare continues, both  blights on the American landscape. Congressional approval rating is somewhere around 10  per cent, the president's at a lowly 42 per cent. Obamacare rolled out its so called exchanges on Monday to many problems and computer glitches. Obama excused this saying any new program is going to have issues at the beginning. The problem here is those in charge of getting this monstrosity up and running had three years to do it. There should have been no glitches. Despite this, government officials are claiming a huge success in people signing up but refused to give out numbers as to how many people. Once would surmise that if it was that successful they would be splashing that number everywhere.
As for the partial government shutdown. It's still out there, and despite Senator Harry Reid's senile ravings, Obama's 'getting really
old' blame game and their willing accomplices in the media to lay blame on the GOP, the onus is on Obama and Reid for this temporary stoppage in government. Obama's refusal to negotiate the impasse with the Republicans, brandishing a "My way or the highway" mentality, shows a lack of leadership and discipline.
 It's thought in some circles that perhaps Mr. Obama doesn't know how to negotiate these types of situations. The last shutdown 17 years ago saw President Clinton taking charge and sitting down with the House leadership to iron out a quick resolution. Clinton realized the consequences of a shutdown on the country. Obama either doesn't know or doesn't care. His unwillingness to participate in an end solution suggests the latter.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

JFK - From The Grave


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Obama & Reid - Obstructionists??

 So, here we are, the obstructionist duo of Obama-Reid having pulled off the partial government shutdown they wanted. The House Republicans laid three different plans to avoid shutdown before Harry Reid. They were summarily discharged without a glance. Thus, the Dems, led by the aforementioned obstructionists, turned off the lights in various agencies of the government. In actuality, and despite the 'sky is falling' rants of Senator Harry Reid, the shutdown of government doesn't really amount to much. Read More: Shutdown is Slim

So non-essentials (are these workers who collect a government paycheck, but don't do much? Just askin') are to stay home sans
pay, the national zoo, parks, museums and monuments are closed. NASA and a few other agencies are on forced vacation. Obama, way back in January through the meanness of his self-authored sequester, had already closed the White House to tours...and there are some other minor inconveniences that most of us will not endure.

 The president is running around blaming the Republicans and the Republicans are blaming the Democrats. I'm sure if he could find a
way the president would also blame George Bush!

 In truth, Obama refused to negotiate any reasonable end to this. He says the GOP would not come clean on a budget to keep the country running. ("Clean" to Obama is wanting his cake and eating it too.) Obama doesn't know the meaning of the word 'budget.' The Senate, headed by Harry Reid, has failed in each of the past five years to do its constitutional duty and put a budget on the table for consideration. This is by design. We already know Obama is a big spender. A budget would layout all the nonsense he's wasting taxpayer's money on. They don't want you to know.

At least with the government partially shut down, less money is being spent and Congress and the president can't screw things up quite so bad. In that case, let's all hope this so-called 'end of the world' shutdown lasts a long, long time!