Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GOP Needs To Re-group and Re-focus

This budget and debt ceiling stuff is getting to ridiculous to care about anymore.It's been more than obvious since this nonsense began who can remember when that the President and his key henchman in the Senate, Harry Reid, never had any intention on compromising with the House Republicans no matter what. They were hell-bent on doing what they did...shut down the government.

Republicans couldn't drum up the votes to get what seemed to be a good bill to the Senate which probably would have flown, but several malcontents in the House shot it down. Now, Reid will strong arm Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell which shouldn't be hard because he's not that strong of a leader.

Republicans will do well to forget this fight...they aren't going to win it. They need to concentrate on the 2014 mid term elections and hammer home hot and heavy the Obamacare train wreck. People are already finding out what a disaster it is and it will be more so in the months to come. If the GOP plays its cards right (something they're not prone to do) Obamacare by itself will eventually hang the Democrats, which should be a boon to Republicans in the elections. The Democrats own that train wreck all by themselves. It was rammed down our throats without a single Republican vote. The GOP can run strong on that. Every Democrat up for reelection is has his/her back against the wall because they see that Obamacare is going to take down the health care system of this country and they are responsible. And lets not forget this president still wants to continue spending this country into bankruptcy. The GOP has been handed some a gifts. They need to take advantage of it.

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