So, here we are, the obstructionist duo of Obama-Reid having pulled off the partial government shutdown they wanted. The House Republicans laid three different plans to avoid shutdown before Harry Reid. They were summarily discharged without a glance. Thus, the Dems, led by the aforementioned obstructionists, turned off the lights in various agencies of the government. In actuality, and despite the 'sky is falling' rants of Senator Harry Reid, the shutdown of government doesn't really amount to much. Read More: Shutdown is Slim
So non-essentials (are these workers who collect a government paycheck, but don't do much? Just askin') are to stay home sans
pay, the national zoo, parks, museums and monuments are closed. NASA and a few other agencies are on forced vacation. Obama, way back in January through the meanness of his self-authored sequester, had already closed the White House to tours...and there are some other minor inconveniences that most of us will not endure.
The president is running around blaming the Republicans and the Republicans are blaming the Democrats. I'm sure if he could find a
way the president would also blame George Bush!
In truth, Obama refused to negotiate any reasonable end to this. He says the GOP would not come clean on a budget to keep the country running. ("Clean" to Obama is wanting his cake and eating it too.) Obama doesn't know the meaning of the word 'budget.' The Senate, headed by Harry Reid, has failed in each of the past five years to do its constitutional duty and put a budget on the table for consideration. This is by design. We already know Obama is a big spender. A budget would layout all the nonsense he's wasting taxpayer's money on. They don't want you to know.
At least with the government partially shut down, less money is being spent and Congress and the president can't screw things up quite so bad. In that case, let's all hope this so-called 'end of the world' shutdown lasts a long, long time!
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