Friday, October 18, 2013

Government Reopens, Obamacare Blunders & Obama Has a Problem...With Bloggers!

 The partial ( a paltry 17 per cent) sixteen day government shutdown is over. President Obama is probably lamenting it's demise as this is what he orchestrated and wanted to happen. Workers who were furloughed went back to work after their vacation (they will get paid for the days they spent enjoying their time away from work).

What was disgusting about this whole thing was seeing Senator's slapping themselves on the back saying how great it was that they could all come together in a bipartisan manner to get this done to avoid the country defaulting on it's debts. THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. They didn't cut spending, it continues out of control heading for a monumental $17 trillion, and Obamacare, the train wreck no one wants, continues to be a joke (more on that later). All they did was put everything off until January when this happens all over again. The have to reach an agreement by December 13. They won't. They never do. And if they think this do-nothing president is going to sit down and negotiate this time, forget it. He has no intention to.

The Republicans in the House fought the good fight, initially going after Obamacare, which was the wrong strategy. They should have stuck with spending cuts, which they proposed too late. The Senate folded and caved as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid along with the president held the country hostage until they finally got what
                   McConnell                         Reid                   
they wanted. Minority leader in the Senate, Republican Mitch McConnell, wasn't going to go to bat for the GOP. Harry bribed McConnell with a $3 billion dollar pork barrel gift for a damn (oops! Dam) project in his home state of Kentucky and he took it. McConnell of course, denies he knew anything about it. Right!! This may set well with his fellow Kentuckians as he fights for what is considered a shaky reelection bid, but to the rest of us, it stinks. 

As for Obamacare, it continues to be a sorry commentary on the state of things in this country. The website for signing up for for what people mistakenly think is a good thing, is as big a failure as
the program itself. The government had 3 plus years to get this thing right before rolling it out to the public on October 1. And they spent $93 MILLION on it!! Just another example of the federal government proving they can't run anything and wasting a lot of taxpayer dollars doing it. No telling how much more they will blow trying to get it right.
While the Obama administration won't say, it's estimated some 9 million people visited the site, which has multiple software problems. Read More: Glitch! Glitch! Glitch! 
Out of that bunch only some 36,000 have signed up. Pretty poor. But  the sticker shock people are reporting might mean people will opt to pay the so-called penalty instead of taking the insurance, which might eventually mean the downfall of this disaster. Let's hope. It has to go. Along with Obama's spending binge, Obamacare is destroying the economy causing lost jobs, lower incomes and employers cutting employee hours...and this is what he calls his SIGNATURE domestic achievement!

Obama, not surprisingly, has blamed the last three weeks on anyone and everyone, especially Republicans (that's okay, we can blame the last five years on him), and he's telling Congress to ignore those that bug him. Click the video to hear Obama's latest whine...

 LOL....nice to know we bloggers are getting under the King's skin!!

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