Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obamacare is Done!!

 The disaster known as the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare and a train wreck may have met its end. After all the wrangling on the part of Congress to derail President Obama's hugely unpopular socialistic health care program, it may have been done by a federal judge: Read More: Judge Refuses to Dismiss Case Against Obamacare
Now,  this ruling does not mean Obamacare is finished and we can all go back to a civil peace of mind. It simply means the judge is going to let this particular law suit go forward. It may ultimately lose and we are stuck with the law, or, those who brought the suit may win, in which case Obamacare will be on a slippery slope to extinction, keeping in mind, of course, it would be appealed.

Nevertheless, this judge apparently saw how the Obama administration has been overstepping its bounds with Obamacare. This is nothing new with President Obama. He seems to think he is above the law, having on many occasions broken laws on the books and defied the Constitution. A law passed by Congress is passed as written and cannot be changed or revised without Congressional approval. Obama, since the Democrats passed Obamacare in 2010 (there were no Republicans who voted in favor) has changed the law several times. He has given waivers to Obamacare to hundreds of companies, special compensation to his labor union friends, subsidies to Congress and their staffs, implementation delays to specific parts of Obamacare and a one year delay to the employer mandate....all in violation of the law. As pointed out in the article linked above, several government agencies have also defied the law as passed by Congress.

So, good for this federal judge, for not rolling over for this corrupt administration.


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