Friday, May 31, 2013

Liberals No More??

 TGIF...Time to lighten' up with a little bit of serious fun with our liberal friends!! 


Thursday, May 30, 2013

IRS Mess - Former Head Made Himself Comfortable At The White House

Former IRS chief, Douglas Shulman,  visited White House more times than any Cabinet member, this according to an analysis by the Daily Caller. Shulman's visits are suspect in that they seem to have occurred  about the time his agency was targeting conservative groups for excessive  tax exempt scrutiny. Read More: Frequent Visitor

Mr. Shulman probably is glad he's gone from the IRS, but he is still subject to subpoena by Congressional investigating committees looking in to IRS wrong-doings under the Obama Administration. His earlier testimony regarding his
visits to the White House appeared to short on information.
Of the numerous scandals plaguing this White House, the IRS is the most damaging. It's a violation of the law to use the IRS to target groups or individuals for political gain. Going after  political enemies using the strong arm of the IRS is what brought President Richard Nixon down during the Watergate scandal of the 70's. It's an impeachable offense. 

To be sure all the president's men and women are circling the wagons to protect president Obama. They obviously don't want any of this touching him. It would seem implausible, though, for as widespread and huge as this IRS mess is, given Shulman's many visits to the White House and those there who knew what was going on, that the president had no clue. It remains to be seen if any of this leads to the Oval Office. 

There are calls, especially on the Republican side, for a special prosecutor to be named to investigate the issue. That's the only way we're going to get to the bottom of this. Congressional committees spend more time grandstanding  than anything and never seem to reach a conclusion. Problem is, the president would have to name a special prosecutor. One doubts that would happen.

This, and other scandals, are throwing the president off his game. Before all this hit he was still in campaign mode, traveling the country fundraising for the 2014 mid-term elections. His plan is to win back the House so the final two years of his presidency he could work on his legacy without any roadblocks from the Republicans. Looks like he's managed to throw up roadblocks of his own making. His ratings are taking a tumble. Read More: Popularity on the Wane?

Stay Tuned. The news out of Washington this summer may be more interesting than a good book at the beach!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

They Know Nothing - Hard To Believe

When President Obama first took office way back in 2009 he promised this would be "The most transparent administration in history." Either he didn't mean it or he wishes now he had never said it. The Obama administration is headed for history as the least transparent administration in history. From day one Mr. Obama, for every little ill that came down the pike, played the blame was always someone elses fault (usually former President George Bush in Obama's mind).

Now we're four plus years down the road, sadly Barack Obama still sits in the Oval Office, and while he and his minions still find fault elsewhere, they are playing a new's called 'I didn't know.' No one, from the president on down claims to know anything about anything. (Well, that's not true...someone knows something, they're just not saying.)

The administration is scandalous. At present there are no less than six big news scandals hanging over the White House.....and EVERYONE swears they know nothing about them. Attorney General Eric Holder may have lied to Congress because he swore he knew nothing about his department getting a warrant for tho phone records and e-mails of Fox News reporter James Rosen. Turns out Holder signed the warrant papers himself. He is also denying culpability in the Associated Press scandal where the DOJ went after emails of 20 reporters.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denied knowing anything about requests fro extra security in Benghazi, Libya. Seems she has some explaining to do because it appears she may not have been entirely truthful with Congress either. (For an nteresting read on Benghazi - click the link: The Anatomy Of The Benghazi Lie )

IRS official Lois Lerner said she did nothing wrong, then pleaded the 5th Amendment in her agency's apparent targeting of conservative groups for over-the-top scrutiny in their applications fro tax exempt status. She refused to resign so she has been sent home on administrative leave (government code for "vacation") while she still collects her $170K annual tax payer funded paycheck. 

And of course, the president knows nothing either.  Scandal after scandal in his house and he claims not to know what's going on?? He says he wasn't told about the IRS it in the paper, he claims. Huh? The IRS is going after his political enemies, has been doing so for three plus years and he knows nothing about it? Hard to believe.

The James Rosen case, involving an apparent leak regarding the North Koreans, Eric Holder said it was one of the biggest threats to national security he has ever seen in his long government career, and he didn't tell the president?? Hard to believe.

The most scandalous presidential administration in U.S., Barack Obama at the helm....seems to me, if the White House was truly transparent as he promised it would be, all these scandals would be nothing more than "little" news if they just came out and told the truth!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Scandals galore' all over D.C. and the president does what he does best when things at home aren't right....he skips town. In an effort to to change the subject from scandals all: Benghazi, AP, IRS, Fast and Furious (yes, that one is still out there), Solyndra and numerous smaller ones to numerous to list, Mr. Obama has jetted off to New Jersey, site of Superstorm Hurricane Sandy of last year. 

Mr. Obama might have also escaped the capitol in an effort to get a break from the hounding questions of the media over his scandals, and one journalist in particular. Meet 
Sharyl Attkisson - CBS News
Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News. (That's right, CBS, one of the so-called "Mainstream Media" outlets that has been "Pro-Obama). 

Miss Attkisson, however, is not the typical mainstream media reporter. She goes after Press Secretary Jay Carney at the daily White House press briefings, asking tough questions often putting Carney on the spot. Read More: Attkisson Bugs The White House

Now, not to bring up a sore point, but this administration is known for going after those whom they feel are a thorn in their side, witness the Associated Press scandal where the department of Justice went after reporters phone records to find the source of a leak, or the e-mails and phone records of Fox News reporter James Rosen over some North Korea
Fox News Correspondent
story going so far as to suggest Rosen is an "aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator." Attorney General Eric Holder,  at first denied knowing anything about the Rosen case. Turns out he signed off on the affidavit to pursue Rosen. Oops! got caught...Holder now has remorse over his actions against Rosen. He should because he is now being investigated by the House Judiciary Committee over his truthfullness. Read More: Did Holder Lie To Congress?  Uh Oh... if so Holder
Attorney General Eric Holder
will surely have to go. (Although of late we have seen that people who do wrong in this administration don't get the ax...they get PROMOTED!!)

But we digress.... now, Ms. Attkisson thinks her computer has been compromised. Really?....Hmmm....DOJ again? Read More:  "Not Us," Says DOJ  

Stay Tuned! How much fun can one administration provide. (And we thought the Clinton's laid claim to all the fun.)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Obama And The Real People

Washington, D.C. has always been a bastion of elitist least that's what the crowd there thinks of themselves...from those who serve at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to the Congress on "The Hill" to all the bureaucrats that
How the elite travel
actually run the government. In the present administration we have a president who views himself as the elite of the elite...second to none. If that's so, what does that say about the rest of us. Ever wonder how you're thought by from those high and mighty folks who toil in our nation's capitol? 

Here's some insight. Bill Whittle on PJTV Afterburner, on the Obama scandals and just  who are the real people.

Take the the video..Bill holds no punches here...

Let's hope Mr. Obama, who sees himself as not having to explain his actions and chooses to blame others, has to, in the near future, come forth with some answers.

Sad, though,isn't it? The founding fathers drew the grand plan to be a government "By The People and For The People."  In Washington today President Obama and his elitist friends take the view that it's a government  "By The Government and For The Government." These four years can't end soon enough.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

                                       MEMORIAL DAY  2013

                                     Vietnam Memorial - "The Wall"                       Lee Teter   

  • When planning your shopping trip this weekend, picking the perfect steak, hot dogs and potato chips or choosing the salad to complete your Memorial Day BBQ, this impact photo is what you should be remembering. It's hard to imagine the pain left by the ultimate sacrifice of war. Please remember that freedom is not free...... someone died for it and paid with their life.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Going Topless, Ladies (and Gentlemen) Is Now Legal!!!

Women who have a mind to bare it all...well, almost...don't have to make that expensive trip to the beaches of the South of France...A trip to New York, unless you live there, is all it takes. Read More: Topless in NYC

Oh, well.....
Have a Great Weekend!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

President Delusions - A World of Fantasy

President Obama apparently has no sense of reality. He seems to live in a delusional world of fantasy. He refuses to
Fantasy Land "White House"
acknowledge that we, and the world, is in a war on terror. In his world, there are no terrorist or acts of terror. It must wrench his gut to even spit the word out of his mouth. Read More:
Terrorism: Not in Obama's Vocabulary

 Benghazi, Libya was an act of terror committed by terrorists. The president and his minions for weeks said the attack on the U.S. Consulate
Benghazi, Libya Attack 9/11/12
there was a spur of the moment protest brought on by some video. The shootings at Ft. Hood by Nidal Hasan, an Army Major turned Islamic extremist, has been labeled by Obama as "workplace violence," ( as a result major Hasan is still
Nidal Hasan
receiving government pay to the tune of $278K since 2009.) And the president insists that the Islamic extremist group founded by the late Osama Bin Laden and responsible for the 9/11/2001 attacks, Al-Qaeda, is a "shadow of its former self," despite it's reported growth and activities in North Africa. The Benghazi attack was carried out by extremists loyal to Al-Qaeda. And most recently, the Boston Marathon bombings was carried out by two brothers sympathetic to the extremists cause.

What is this love affair the president seems to have with terrorist groups that he desires to give them a pass by not calling their viciousness for what it really is? Even this week, in a speech at the National Defense University, he urged repeal of the law of 2001 that effectively authorized the war on terror. In his mind the war is over ( or never existed). He took flack for his comments from members of congress. Read More: GOP Senators Take on Obama

He has renewed his call for the closing of "Gitmo," the U.S. holding in prison in Cuba for captured Islamic enemy combatants. His plan would be be to send them to U.S. prisons or send them back to their countries, to fight again.
President Obama
The problem is most of their countries don't want them back. an embarrassing moment for the president occurred at the National Defense University speech when a member of the activist group Code Pink, shouted down the Obama about Gitmo. Click to see the video. Heckler Confronts Obama During Speech

The president needs to get over his delusions about terrorism and get serious about the fact that terrorism is here to stay, for a long time. Obama likes to talk about things being the "new normal," code for saying "I can't fix it so it's now normal," such as the unemployment rate bouncing between 7.5 and 8 percent. He can't fix it so it's now the new normal. Terrorism, the new want to blame President Bush for something, blame him for being serious about terrorism and as a result, kept us safe after the attacks of 9/11/2001.Obama can't make that claim.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lois Lerner - Defiant and Arrogant

For the last four plus years we have witnessed on the part of the Obama administration behavior described as arrogant and defiant. These characteristics seem to be a job requirement. The president himself has displayed these traits on numerous occasions.

Wednesday, they were on display again in the form of Lois Lerner, head of the IRS department responsible for granting (or denying) tax exempt status' to organizations. She is the
Obama's IRS
face of the current IRS scandal in which her department, since 2010, has targeted numerous conservative groups for over-the-top scrutiny and undue harassment during the tax exempt process.Many of these groups have had their applications before her department for more than two years, while liberal leaning organizations have an approved status within a few short months.

Ms. Lerner was called before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. She gave a short statement saying she "did nothing wrong" and broke no laws, then took the 5th Amendment. Click Video:

                                                                     Lois Lerner
Needless to say, members on the committee were not to happy with Ms. Lerner stonewalling the committee. Click Video:

                                                                  Rep. Trey Gowdy

Turns out, Mr. Gowdy was right. Lois Lerner lost her 5th Amendment privileges when she gave an opening statement saying she did no wrong. Read More: Chairman Issa To Drag Lerner back Before The Committee. Will she return to the hearing with same arrogant demeanor displayed in her brief stay on Wednesday? Probably. It seems to be a personality disorder common to most high ranking Obama officials.

Taking the 5th is her right, as it is with any American. But it automatically begs the question,"If she's not guilty as she claims and broke no laws, why take the 5th. What is she hiding? What has she done that answering questions might incriminate her?"

The answer might lie in the fact that she has testified before Congressional committees before, under oath, and some of that testimony might come back and bite her.

This apparently is on the first time Ms. Lerner has been in a position of harassment and intimidation. Read MoreLerner Had Issues While At The FEC

Many think this scandal will not touch the president. Only his staunches supporters and apologists believe he knew nothing of this, despite it going back to 2012 and was kept quiet so he could get re-elected last November. Should the trail lead to Obama by way of some document or whistle
President Obama
blower come forward, the president would face impeachment charges. Not exactly the legacy he wants to be known for. So far it looks like his administration will have the distinction of being one of the most scandalous in history.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

To Obama It's all Politics

Remember after the Benghazi terrorist attack the president promised to capture and bring to justice those responsible? Uh...hello? Another idle promise not kept by Mr. Obama. The White House, however, says they are going full bore after the thugs responsible. Read More: Military Thinks White House Dropped The Ball

Military leaders in that part of the world thinks politics had a play in not pursuing those who attacked the consulate in
Benghazi, Libya and murdered four Americans including the U.S. Ambassador. Seems politics comes into play with everything this administration does.

Benghazi is politics, the AP scandal is politics, Fast and Furious is politics, the IRS scandal is politics, Solyndra was politics, after the shootings in Newtown, CT the White House attacked the 2nd Amendment..politics...and the president is constantly on the campaign trail fundraising...politics. 

No wonder, then, there is no leadership in Washington. The liberal left has no time for it. They are too busy playing politics. And when it's convenient, they accuse the Republicans of playing politics as the president, in an
attempt to deflect the real issue, called the House investigation of Benghazi a sideshow. Both sides play the political game. That's what Washington is all about. But when you have an administration that has taken the country to the brink of bankruptcy, put millions of people out of work  force an unwanted socialist health care program on the populace, have scandal after scandal you claim no responsibility for, you have an out of control, inept and dysfunctional government. 

What are George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock et. al. thinking?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Corruption, Arrogance and Incompetence

Is there no end to the corruption, arrogance and total incompetence of the Obama administration? The lies, cover ups, crude attempts at intimidation and the refusal to accept responsibility for it's failures are indications the wheels are coming off the wagon. No one is governing in Washington, D.C. It is no secret that for more than four years we have been a ship without a captain.

Along with the spending binge, millions of jobs lost, deficits out of control, high taxation and a health care system  going down the tubes, we are witnessing scandal after scandal in the Obama White House. The Justice Department went after Associated Press reporters phone recorders, the IRS targeted conservative (Tea Party) groups for further scrutiny and intimidation in granting tax exempt status, the president claims innocence in the Benghazi fiasco where four
Americans died, and now the DOJ has gone after a Fox News reporter on conspiracy charges. Read More: Obama Justice Dept Goes After Fox's James Rosen

The president and his minions are taking a see 'no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' defense on all these issues. Incredibly, the IRS scandal involving conservative organizations has been going on since 2010. The president claims he didn't know anything about it until he recently "heard it on the news." Really? His legal team was aware of an Inspector General's report on the situation weeks ago...and the president wants us to believe he wasn't told?
president Obama
Either he's lying or he has an incredibly incompetent staff not to inform him of this. Should the trail lead to the White House and it's proven Mr. Obama had a hand in it, he could face impeachment.

This kind of thug politics plays well in Chicago where Obama honed his political skills. But there is no place for it in Washington. Sure, there's a lot wrong on Capitol Hill, but we certainly don't need the incompetence and lack of leadership sitting in the Oval Office now. 

It's time for him to go. It's time for all the Obama apologists, accomplices and voters to admit they screwed up in putting him in office. They are responsible for what is fast becoming the worst administration in history.

Friday, May 17, 2013

IRS Under The Gun

The House Ways and means Committee went after the IRS Friday, grilling departing Acting Commissioner Steven Miller. Representative Mike Kelly had a message for the IRS that every American would LOVE to deliver. Watch the Video: (endure the 5 minutes - it's well worth it.) 

Mr. Miller had a lot of "I don't know" answers for the committee, which seems to be the 'happening now' slogan for this administration when answering questions about all the scandals that have hit team Obama. Everyone is running for cover and claiming ignorance. From the looks of it, the IRS scandal is far reaching. There will be many more hearings to be sure.

And reports are out that the Treasury Dept. knew what the IRS was up to as the department's Inspector General told the committee he was investigating the IRS. Read More: Treasury IG Investigates IRS.

This means administration officials new of the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Did the White House know? The other scandal to this scandal is it was kept quiet until AFTER the's this transparency thing workin' for ya!?

Speaking of the IRS, have you ever seen this person before? Would you know her if you passed her on the street? Probably not.

This is unbelievable...but if you have been paying any attention at all to the nonsense that has been going on in Washington of late, nothing should  surprise you...not even this. 

This is Sarah Hall Ingram. Ms. Ingram was in charge of the IRS department that targeted conservative groups for political intimidation and scrutiny when it came to approving or disapproving their tax exempt status'. The scandal is serious beyond belief and may be an impeachable offense should the trail lead to the president.

As we know, and heaven forbid, the IRS is going to be  overseeing Obamacare. It's bad enough the IRS is accountable to no one and has the ability to ruin your life and/or your business on a whim. But to put this Gestapo unit in charge of your health care....unconscionable! And guess who is now in charge of the IRS department overseeing Obamacare??? You guessed it...our friend Sarah Hall Ingram. Read More: Ingram to Head Obamacare IRS Unit

Is President Obama stupid or does he just not get it? One would think that if you are embroiled in a scandal and someone in a key position was in charge of a department that caused that scandal, you would want that person to be invisible....not this president. Instead he puts that person in charge of a department that will oversee the most unpopular program (70% of Americans don't want Obamacare) in history that is already having negative affects on our health care system. 

                       With this administration, nothing is surprising.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The incompetence of the Obama administration that has spawned one scandal after another has some liberal Obama apologists turning on their guy. Chris Matthews, the liberal talking head host of "Hardball with Chris Matthews" on MSNBC has had an on going love affair with the
Chris Matthews
president since day one. But he has now taken the president to task over the happenings of late in Washington. Matthews, on his show Wednesday night, couldn't find much to rave about Mr. Obama.
"What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn't like dealing with other politicians -- that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn't particularly like the press.... He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft," Matthews said.
"So what part does he like? He likes going on the road, campaigning, visiting businesses like he does every couple days somewhere in Ohio or somewhere," Matthews continued. "But what part does he like? He doesn't like lobbying for the bills he cares about. He doesn't like selling to the press. He doesn't like giving orders or giving somebody the power to give orders. He doesn't seem to like being an executive.”

Matthews has been a flag waver for Obama going back to 2008. He became known for saying he "felt a thrill going up my leg" after hearing the president give a speech. Tuesday he described Obama as "a ship with the engine off."

Now, we know that this sudden scorn of the president on the part of Matthews and others of his ilk is probably temporary. It won't be long before he re-hitches his waggon to the Obama parade and is back to applauding every presidential hic-cup....but for the moment, we welcome Mr. Matthews for seeing things the "right" way for a change.....(stick around, Chris, you might get to liking it.)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Sorry Excuse of a President

UPDATE: Wednesday evening president Obama went before the cameras huffing and puffing about the IRS scandal, putting on an "I'm pissed off" performance and vowing to get to the bottom of who, what, why, when, where and how it all took place.  He immediately announced the resignation (code for firing) of acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller, as if to say 'I'm on top of this.' it turns out, this giving Steven Miller the axe was grandstanding at best. Mr. Miller is "acting" commissioner, and as "acting" commissioner, his tenure in the position is limited to a certain amount of time. As it turns out, Mr. Miller's time as "acting" commissioner expires next month!!! The president either has to then to name Miller the commissioner or name someone else. So, in effect, Obama did nothing!  This dog and pony show in which Obama acted out of sorts over the IRS targeting conservative groups was just that....a dog and pony show.

I remember all the hoopla back in November of 2008 when Barack Obama descended from the heavens and was elected president of the United States . It was "the second coming," he was "the Messiah," he was going to right the country with is mantra of "Hope and Change." What we got was....a sorry excuse of a president. 

In Mr. Obama we have a president who:

  • is inexperienced
  • does not know how to govern
  • is not a leader
  • is driving the country toward economic failure
  • has put the country on a path to socialized medicine
  • has wasted billions of tax dollars on failed "stimulus" programs
  • has overseen the loss of millions of jobs
  • appears hell bent on seeing that the United States is no longer the world's super power
...and the list goes on. During his first four years in office, every ill was blamed on the previous administration, the GOP and conservatives. They are to blame for his programs of failure being failures. Now, into his second term, he still refuses to take any responsibility for the country's problems. 

 His administration is embroiled in a host of controversies and scandals and the blame game is still in play. 

Benghazi, Libya, the scene of a terrorist attack that took the lives of four Americans - he's finding blame everywhere but where it belongs, on his desk and that of his then secretary of state. He blames the Republicans calling the investigations a sideshow. Not sure the families of those who died under his watch would call it a sideshow. They deserve answers as do the rest of us, but through a cover up contrived by the president and others, answers are not forthcoming.

The IRS went after hundreds (last count was 500) of conservative groups, tying up their tax exempt status applications for months on end while liberal applications sailed through the process unquestioned. Using a government agency to intimidate your political rivals is an impeachable offense. The president claims he knew nothing about it. The IRS has admitted the wrong doing and the president says IF the IRS did the dastardly deed he would get to the bottom if it. There is no IF, Mr.President. They admitted doing it!

The Department of Justice confiscated the phone records, both business and personal, of Associated Press reporters to find out the leak of an investigation DOJ was conducting. Again, the president claims to be unaware of what was going on. Attorney General Eric Holder has also publicly stated he is clueless.

This is a corrupt, inept, inefficient and out of control government with a man sitting in the Oval Office that has no business being there. Mr. Obama needs to put on his big boy pants and  quickly get over his "I'm not at fault so don't blame me" attitude and start accepting responsibility for his administration's actions.  Quit passing the buck, Mr. President...Harry Truman didn't.

The world is watching.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Obama's Administration - The Wheels Are Coming Off

Remember last December during the fiscal cliff debacle when the line of the time was from Chicken Little, "The sky is Falling." ?? Well, President Obama must be feeling that
 now as scandal after scandal after scandal, yep, three of them, has hit the White House. 

  • 1. Benghazi, which the president calls a sideshow and politics. 
  • 2. Dept. of Justice grabbing some 20 phone records, business and private, of Associated Press reporters.
  •  3. The IRS targeted conservative groups during last year.

All these scandals are serious. Are any impeachable? Possibly. The one that sticks out the most is the IRS story. Using the IRS for political intimidation may show Mr. Obama the door. If you're old enough to remember,one of the Articles of Impeachment of President Richard Nixon of Watergate fame concerned his misuse of the IRS to undermine political enemies. Obviously the Democratically held Senate would railroad any impeachment proceedings. The GOP would have to keep the House and win the Senate in the 2014 mid-term elections for anything serious to happen.

The thing about all these scandals is that the White House says they knew nothing about them. 

Hard to believe when four Americans are dead during a terrorist attack the White House claimed they didn't know it was a terrorist attack...they called It a spontaneous eruption due to a video the extremists didn't like. The rest of the world knew it was a terrorist attack from the get go.

Hard to believe the White House didn't know about a leak to the Associated Press of an investigation conducted by the DOJ and they illegally went after reporters phone records on a grand scale. Doesn't Attorney General Eric Holder talk to his good friend Barack Obama anymore?

Hard to believe, during a political campaign, the White House didn't know  the IRS was going after groups whose political leanings were different than theirs. 

The White House is not taking responsibility for any of surprise their. They are blaming others...

Memo to the president: The buck stops with you!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Defiant President Says "No" To Benghazi Cover Up - Calls Investigation a "Sideshow."

President Obama at a news conference Monday had another attitude attack as he lashed out about the goings on in Benghazi, Libya last September 11. Read More: Investigation is a "Sideshow"
President Obama

So, we have the following:

  • Press Secretary Jay Carney in answering a Benghazi question said it "was a long time ago." No one should care was the inference here.
  • Hillary Clinton in her congressional testimony said, "What difference does it make." Ask the families of the four dead Americans.

Jay Carney

  • Now, President Obama calls the investigation a "sideshow." 

These people are despicable at best. They have no regard for the four Americans that lost their lives in the terrorist attack. They're
Hillary Clinton (Raise your right
hand and promise to tell the truth?)
upset because they got caught being derelict in their official duties....they screwed up! And the more the president opens his mouth the deeper he gets in trouble over the issue. He needs to shut up.

Mr. O is building his legacy...he will go down as the worst president in history.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Obama's Watergate - Benghazi

One had his Watergate, the other has his Benghazi-gate

The most transparent administration in history, so proclaimed by President Obama almost four years ago, has proven to be anything but. Way back when, when the president was pushing the train wreck we now know as Obamacare, the president said everything would be open and above board. As we saw, the bill was stuffed down our throats in three days time...few if any Congressmen even read it before they voted on it. It's doubted the president even read it. The House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, " You have to pass it to find out what's in it."

This type of "transparency" has been the status quo for this administration on just about every issue, from Obamacare to failed stimulus packages to the disaster known as Benghazi. This administration, from the president to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Press Secretary Jay Carney to countless other Democrats have
lied to the American people about the details of the incident and are guilty of a cover-up. The liberal media has, for the most part, ignored the story, as part of their continuing love affair with Mr. Obama.

The last president who lied and covered up an incident was Richard Nixon in the 70's, the scandal known as Watergate. It was his downfall, forcing him from office. Watergate was considered serious business back then, the Democrats relentless in their pursuit of Nixon. Now the shoe is on the other foot, it's one of their own who is backed into a corner. Dems and Libs are crying foul, calling it a witch hunt. How soon they forget.

While both Watergate and now Benghazi-gate are serious incidents when it comes to government involvement at the highest level, there is a glaring difference. No one died as a result of Watergate! Some Watergate co-conspirators did go to jail. However, four Americans, including the Ambassador to Libya, were murdered during the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. They died because this president failed to do his duty to protect the American people, a duty he has often said was his first responsibility.

There is a call for more hearings and it seems possible that more whistle blowers will come out of the wood work. Read More: Congress To Push For More Info.

The continuing Benghazi story, along with news that the IRS, under Obama's watch, targeted conservative groups leading p to the 2012 election. Looks like another bad week for "President Transparency."


Friday, May 10, 2013

A Giggle or Two.......

TGIF - time to lighten up - We end the week with a smile and a laugh with a compendium of funny headlines! 

                                                 HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND - CALL MOM !!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Benghazi Hearings: Aftermath

UPDATE: The plot thickens. We now know that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney lied when he said the White House did not plagiarize official CIA talking points on Benghazi. Not only did they and the State Department revise it, they did it TWELVE times. Read More: Covering Up?

So...there were no real smoking guns after Wednesday' s testimony before a Congressional committee from three government officials (whistle blowers). But there was a lot of damage done to the Obama administration. There seems to have been a cover up. There appears to have been CIA talking points altered to reflect that the attack on the U.S. Consulate was not a terrorist attack...we know that it was.
Speaker Boehner
And there seems to be a lot former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton needs to answer for.

Today, House Speaker John Boehner called for more information. Read More: Boehner Wants Emails Released

In an opinion written by Dan Gainor, the liberal media does what it does best. Read More: Media Protecting The White House

Hillary Clinton

 Adding insult to injury on the day of the hearings.....Read More: Hillary Clinton Gets An Award

And throwing more salt on the wound.....Read More: Susan Rice - A Great American
Ambassador Susan Rice

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