Thursday, May 23, 2013

President Delusions - A World of Fantasy

President Obama apparently has no sense of reality. He seems to live in a delusional world of fantasy. He refuses to
Fantasy Land "White House"
acknowledge that we, and the world, is in a war on terror. In his world, there are no terrorist or acts of terror. It must wrench his gut to even spit the word out of his mouth. Read More:
Terrorism: Not in Obama's Vocabulary

 Benghazi, Libya was an act of terror committed by terrorists. The president and his minions for weeks said the attack on the U.S. Consulate
Benghazi, Libya Attack 9/11/12
there was a spur of the moment protest brought on by some video. The shootings at Ft. Hood by Nidal Hasan, an Army Major turned Islamic extremist, has been labeled by Obama as "workplace violence," ( as a result major Hasan is still
Nidal Hasan
receiving government pay to the tune of $278K since 2009.) And the president insists that the Islamic extremist group founded by the late Osama Bin Laden and responsible for the 9/11/2001 attacks, Al-Qaeda, is a "shadow of its former self," despite it's reported growth and activities in North Africa. The Benghazi attack was carried out by extremists loyal to Al-Qaeda. And most recently, the Boston Marathon bombings was carried out by two brothers sympathetic to the extremists cause.

What is this love affair the president seems to have with terrorist groups that he desires to give them a pass by not calling their viciousness for what it really is? Even this week, in a speech at the National Defense University, he urged repeal of the law of 2001 that effectively authorized the war on terror. In his mind the war is over ( or never existed). He took flack for his comments from members of congress. Read More: GOP Senators Take on Obama

He has renewed his call for the closing of "Gitmo," the U.S. holding in prison in Cuba for captured Islamic enemy combatants. His plan would be be to send them to U.S. prisons or send them back to their countries, to fight again.
President Obama
The problem is most of their countries don't want them back. an embarrassing moment for the president occurred at the National Defense University speech when a member of the activist group Code Pink, shouted down the Obama about Gitmo. Click to see the video. Heckler Confronts Obama During Speech

The president needs to get over his delusions about terrorism and get serious about the fact that terrorism is here to stay, for a long time. Obama likes to talk about things being the "new normal," code for saying "I can't fix it so it's now normal," such as the unemployment rate bouncing between 7.5 and 8 percent. He can't fix it so it's now the new normal. Terrorism, the new want to blame President Bush for something, blame him for being serious about terrorism and as a result, kept us safe after the attacks of 9/11/2001.Obama can't make that claim.

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