Monday, May 13, 2013

Defiant President Says "No" To Benghazi Cover Up - Calls Investigation a "Sideshow."

President Obama at a news conference Monday had another attitude attack as he lashed out about the goings on in Benghazi, Libya last September 11. Read More: Investigation is a "Sideshow"
President Obama

So, we have the following:

  • Press Secretary Jay Carney in answering a Benghazi question said it "was a long time ago." No one should care was the inference here.
  • Hillary Clinton in her congressional testimony said, "What difference does it make." Ask the families of the four dead Americans.

Jay Carney

  • Now, President Obama calls the investigation a "sideshow." 

These people are despicable at best. They have no regard for the four Americans that lost their lives in the terrorist attack. They're
Hillary Clinton (Raise your right
hand and promise to tell the truth?)
upset because they got caught being derelict in their official duties....they screwed up! And the more the president opens his mouth the deeper he gets in trouble over the issue. He needs to shut up.

Mr. O is building his legacy...he will go down as the worst president in history.

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