Monday, May 20, 2013

Corruption, Arrogance and Incompetence

Is there no end to the corruption, arrogance and total incompetence of the Obama administration? The lies, cover ups, crude attempts at intimidation and the refusal to accept responsibility for it's failures are indications the wheels are coming off the wagon. No one is governing in Washington, D.C. It is no secret that for more than four years we have been a ship without a captain.

Along with the spending binge, millions of jobs lost, deficits out of control, high taxation and a health care system  going down the tubes, we are witnessing scandal after scandal in the Obama White House. The Justice Department went after Associated Press reporters phone recorders, the IRS targeted conservative (Tea Party) groups for further scrutiny and intimidation in granting tax exempt status, the president claims innocence in the Benghazi fiasco where four
Americans died, and now the DOJ has gone after a Fox News reporter on conspiracy charges. Read More: Obama Justice Dept Goes After Fox's James Rosen

The president and his minions are taking a see 'no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' defense on all these issues. Incredibly, the IRS scandal involving conservative organizations has been going on since 2010. The president claims he didn't know anything about it until he recently "heard it on the news." Really? His legal team was aware of an Inspector General's report on the situation weeks ago...and the president wants us to believe he wasn't told?
president Obama
Either he's lying or he has an incredibly incompetent staff not to inform him of this. Should the trail lead to the White House and it's proven Mr. Obama had a hand in it, he could face impeachment.

This kind of thug politics plays well in Chicago where Obama honed his political skills. But there is no place for it in Washington. Sure, there's a lot wrong on Capitol Hill, but we certainly don't need the incompetence and lack of leadership sitting in the Oval Office now. 

It's time for him to go. It's time for all the Obama apologists, accomplices and voters to admit they screwed up in putting him in office. They are responsible for what is fast becoming the worst administration in history.

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