The House Ways and means Committee went after the IRS Friday, grilling departing Acting Commissioner Steven Miller. Representative Mike Kelly had a message for the IRS that every American would LOVE to deliver. Watch the Video: (endure the 5 minutes - it's well worth it.)
Mr. Miller had a lot of "I don't know" answers for the committee, which seems to be the 'happening now' slogan for this administration when answering questions about all the scandals that have hit team Obama. Everyone is running for cover and claiming ignorance. From the looks of it, the IRS scandal is far reaching. There will be many more hearings to be sure.
And reports are out that the Treasury Dept. knew what the IRS was up to as the department's Inspector General told the committee he was investigating the IRS. Read More: Treasury IG Investigates IRS.
This means administration officials new of the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Did the White House know? The other scandal to this scandal is it was kept quiet until AFTER the's this transparency thing workin' for ya!?
Speaking of the IRS, have you ever seen this person before? Would you know her if you passed her on the street? Probably not.
This is unbelievable...but if you have been paying any attention at all to the nonsense that has been going on in Washington of late, nothing should surprise you...not even this.
This is Sarah Hall Ingram. Ms. Ingram was in charge of the IRS department that targeted conservative groups for political intimidation and scrutiny when it came to approving or disapproving their tax exempt status'. The scandal is serious beyond belief and may be an impeachable offense should the trail lead to the president.
As we know, and heaven forbid, the IRS is going to be overseeing Obamacare. It's bad enough the IRS is accountable to no one and has the ability to ruin your life and/or your business on a whim. But to put this Gestapo unit in charge of your health care....unconscionable! And guess who is now in charge of the IRS department overseeing Obamacare??? You guessed it...our friend Sarah Hall Ingram. Read More: Ingram to Head Obamacare IRS Unit
Is President Obama stupid or does he just not get it? One would think that if you are embroiled in a scandal and someone in a key position was in charge of a department that caused that scandal, you would want that person to be invisible....not this president. Instead he puts that person in charge of a department that will oversee the most unpopular program (70% of Americans don't want Obamacare) in history that is already having negative affects on our health care system.
With this administration, nothing is surprising.
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