Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Obama's Administration - The Wheels Are Coming Off

Remember last December during the fiscal cliff debacle when the line of the time was from Chicken Little, "The sky is Falling." ?? Well, President Obama must be feeling that
 now as scandal after scandal after scandal, yep, three of them, has hit the White House. 

  • 1. Benghazi, which the president calls a sideshow and politics. 
  • 2. Dept. of Justice grabbing some 20 phone records, business and private, of Associated Press reporters.
  •  3. The IRS targeted conservative groups during last year.

All these scandals are serious. Are any impeachable? Possibly. The one that sticks out the most is the IRS story. Using the IRS for political intimidation may show Mr. Obama the door. If you're old enough to remember,one of the Articles of Impeachment of President Richard Nixon of Watergate fame concerned his misuse of the IRS to undermine political enemies. Obviously the Democratically held Senate would railroad any impeachment proceedings. The GOP would have to keep the House and win the Senate in the 2014 mid-term elections for anything serious to happen.

The thing about all these scandals is that the White House says they knew nothing about them. 

Hard to believe when four Americans are dead during a terrorist attack the White House claimed they didn't know it was a terrorist attack...they called It a spontaneous eruption due to a video the extremists didn't like. The rest of the world knew it was a terrorist attack from the get go.

Hard to believe the White House didn't know about a leak to the Associated Press of an investigation conducted by the DOJ and they illegally went after reporters phone records on a grand scale. Doesn't Attorney General Eric Holder talk to his good friend Barack Obama anymore?

Hard to believe, during a political campaign, the White House didn't know  the IRS was going after groups whose political leanings were different than theirs. 

The White House is not taking responsibility for any of these...no surprise their. They are blaming others...

Memo to the president: The buck stops with you!

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