Saturday, December 29, 2012

Storms Over The Capitol Over The Fiscal Cliff

Update: Fiscal Cliff talks at a standstill - Dems balk at GOP proposal to stop Obama & company from spending any money gotten from tax hikes. Obama had always touted using tax money to bring down the deficit. Read More: Democrats Stall Talks

Can the president and Congress get it done in time, or will we fall over that contrived fiscal cliff?
 Either way, it matters not,  for taxes on everyone will go up one way or the other. Whether it's a hike through the abolishment of the Bush tax cuts, or through the many hidden taxes in increases are in our future. It's the Democrat way and our president is hell-bent on putting them into play. Grab onto your wallet and hold on for dear life.
All the ballyhooing and grandstanding on the part of the president over getting something done to avoid the fiscal cliff is nothing more than Greek theater. If the truth be known, the president would rather we fall over the cliff. Why? He gets the tax increases he wants (albeit on everyone and not just the rich) and he gets major cuts in defense not have to agree to spending cuts.
In actuality, we have a spending problem in this country, not a revenue problem as the president likes to say. So, the theatrics continue.....

Sen. Mitch McConnell            Sen. Harry Reid
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell vow to scramble over the weekend to produce a new bill aimed at averting the fiscal crisis, following a high-stakes White House meeting — though there was no breakthrough, Obama said he's 'modestly optimistic.'  Read More: The Ball is in the Senate's Court

One Lawmaker seems to agrees with me: 
"Any time you announce a meeting publicly in Washington, it's usually for political theater purposes," Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said on Thursday on Fox News.
"When the president calls congressional leaders to the White House, it's all political theater or they've got a deal. My bet is all political theater," said Graham, adding that he did not believe an agreement could be reached before the deadline.

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