Friday, February 1, 2013

Another Lousy Jobs Report

The January job market figures are out. Sad. The government says 157,000 jobs were added last month and the unemployment rate bounced from 7.8% to 7.9 %. While some may tout this as a good thing, they are quick not to point out that another 170,000 dropped out of the job market or in Obama's first term alone, 8.5 Million people lost their jobs.Read More: Jobs Added in January Down From Estimates

When Barack Obama first took office in 2009 the unemployment rate was 7%, which continued to grow to 9.4 percent in August 2010, a three-decade high, and only started to slowly go down throughout 2011 to 8 percent in January 2012 and and then to it's lowest of 7.8 percent when he took the oath of office for this second term last month. And now we're inching upward again.

News came earlier in the week that the president had disbanded his Job Council. Read More: Jobs Council Gone 

Not a big deal since the council, despite the administration's claims, was ineffective at best. On the campaign trail in 2008 and after assuming office, Obama said putting Americans back to work was his #1 priority. I guess that's why his first year the monster known as Obamacare got all the attention and has proven to actually caused more job losses and will continue in the future.

Speaking of Obamacare, the president promised the program would not cost us more money, and in fact would save Americans money. Well, look who has his hand on your wallet! Along with a slew of increased taxes dues to Obamacare, SURPRISE, now we get this from the IRS.  Read More: IRS: Obamacare could cost you 20K

What have we gotten ourselves in to!!??

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