Monday, February 25, 2013

Sequester : Obama's Baby

The sequester (code for automatic cuts in Federal Spending) and President Barack Obama is running for cover, blaming the Republicans for initiating it. This guy is absolutely amazing. He has personally, in four short years, added $6 trillion to the national debt, put millions upon millions of people on the unemployment line, added millions more to the food stamp rolls, wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on failed stimulus  programs and refuses to accept responsibility for his failures.....rather he finds others to blame. The sequester is no different. This is his baby, he penned it. Back in 2011, after it was signed into law, he dared anyone in Congress to try and railroad it. Read More: President Threatens to Veto Any Bill That Kills Sequester

                          Don't believe what you just read? See for yourself.


           And now here is Mr. Obama just last week railing against his own plan

So why the big flip-flop?? Back in 2011, when Obama hatched this plan, it was so absurd that he and others thought that there would be no way Democrats or Republicans alike would let this take place. This was designed to get the White House and Congress off their duffs and do what was necessary so this would not happen. SURPRISE!!! It's happening! And now the president is blaming guess who. No surprise there. But he's stuck with this one. It's his baby. And frankly, when he snuggles up to Michelle at night, he whispers to her that he really wants sequester to take place. Why....easy one. The Republicans wants spending cuts, but primarily on entitlement programs. Sequester takes a chunk out of the Defense Department and not welfare give-aways. It's no secret Obama doesn't really care for the military, so if he has to swallow cuts he'd just as soon it would be in Defense...

Stay Tuned........


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