Sequester (automatic spending cuts) is just around the corner, and the president, no surprise, is blaming the Republicans for not doing something to avoid the cuts. But guess who proposed sequester in the first place and signed the bill into law....yep....lovable Barack himself.
There is enough blame to go around, but far be it for Mr. O, on any issue as we have learned, to take any responsibility. Read More: Blaming the GOP
As we are also aware, the Democrats will go to great lengths to use scare tactics when it comes to pushing absurd issues they want passed. and again the GOP is whipping boy. Read More: The President's Scare Tactics
The problem for the President is that he fears the Republicans will just let the $84 billion in across the board cuts just take place rather than come up with another plan to cut spending. Any plan they put forth Obama will veto because, despite his rhetoric to the contrary, the president doesn't want cuts at all, just tax hikes. So if letting sequester happen is the only way to force spending cuts, so be it.
Obama is now saying sequester will also cause job losses. True, but so will any cuts to the budget. The president will obviously blame the GOP for those job losses, despite the sequester being his idea in the first place. He just didn't think Congress would let it happen. Surprise, Mr. President. This one is on you!
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