Monday, September 30, 2013

Obama Shut Down The Government

So the ship has sunk, and all of us with it. President Obama got his wish and he, along with all the Democrats in the Senate, shut down the government....oh, yes, this is what they wanted all along. Don't be fooled. This is a president who has no intentions on doing what's right for the government, the country or the people when politics are involved. And all this grandstanding was pure politics - and arrogance on the part of the Democrats.

The Republican led House sent bill after bill to the Senate with compromises to avoid the shutdown. The Senate rejecting each without consideration. "As we said Friday, nothing has changed. If
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
they try to send us something back, they're spinning their wheels," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said.  

Obama, for his part, will talk with the likes of the thugs running the country of Iran, but will not sit down and negotiate with members of his own government. This is appalling and totally unpresidential.

The president's sorry game plan to insure the government partially shutting down was two-fold. First, everything he does, including maliciously and intentionally hurting the country, is with his eye toward the 2014 mid-term elections and insuring the Democrats regain control of the House. To do so means Obama will be able to ram his socialistic and out-of-control spending agenda down our throats. It also means the train wreck known as Obamacare will be intact. 
Second, it's his intention to blame the shutdown on the Republicans, thus helping his mid-term election agenda. As to this point, there was a recent poll that showed that if the government shut down the majority of poll respondents would blame the Republicans. It's hard to tell who these people were from a political standpoint - was the majority more left leaning than right? Who knows. And there's a  really good chance these people were 'low information' voters, taking their cue from the willing accomplices in the left wing media. These people generally are reacting to left leaning sound bites on NBC and CNN and not paying attention to what is really going on. If they had, they would know that this was an event where the Obama-Reid dog-and-pony show pulled the wool over their eyes.

 The Republicans tried desperately with there bills to avoid a shut down to 1) keep the government rolling temporarily until the two parties could reach an agreement and 2) reign in Obamacare. They first sent a bill to Congress pulling the funds from Obamacare in an effort to derail it altogether. No one in their right minds thought that would ever reach the president's desk for signature much less being voted on in the Senate. The GOP then sent a bill requiring the a temporary continuance of running the government at current levels plus delaying the individual mandate ( citizens without insurance required to sign up through so-called 'exchanges' or face a penalty) for one year. After all, the employer mandate part of the bill had been put off for a year along with other provisions of the law, why shouldn't the average Joe get the same benefit? This, obviously didn't fly either...we are shut down. The public be damned in the eyes of the Democrats.
Obama could have been a hero (his narcissism allows him to think he already is one) in the eyes of Americans had he sat down with the the House leadership and worked it out, especially if it benefited the public on Obamacare. But he's King in his lofty mind and he will give no quarter.

Speaking of Obamacare, as we often do on these pages, this law is not ready for "Prime Time," as they say. No one understands it, agencies of the government (Federal and State) who are charged with implementing it have no clue on what they are to do with it and 60 per cent of Americans don't want it. Here again we can fully blame the Democrats for not one Republican
in either the House or the Senate voted for it. It belongs to Obama and Reid and members of their party. This is such a GOOD law that Reid and company now don't want anything to do with. It's good for the 'little people' but not for the Washington elite. They have been given an out of Obamacare, but, by damn, they are going to force it on the rest of us.

So the government has shut down (partially) which means so called non-essential people will stay home from work with no pay (if these people are considered to be 'non-essential' why are they there and why do we waste taxpayer dollars on them? Just askin'). For you weekend hikers, national parks and such will close. Social Security and other give away recipients will continue to get their checks....but, unless the Senate acts as the Republican led House has, the troops won't get paid, but, by God, our wonderful lawmakers in Congress will!! Only in America, my friends, only in America.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Obama's 'Go To Hell' attitude Will Shut Down The Government - Harry Reid, a willing Accomplice

UPDATE:  President Obama and Senator Harry Reid are well on their way to shutting down the government. Read More: Thank The Dems - The Ship Is Sinking!

 For those of  you uppity-up right wing liberals who are hell-bent on blaming the Republicans for a government shut down...sorry. There is only one person that will be responsible. He currently occupies
the Oval Office. Barack Obama has a 'to hell with you' attitude. He has no interest in governing for the betterment of the country or the will of the people. He is narcissistic enough not to sit down and work out a compromise with the Republicans.

The House of Representatives sent a revised temporary spending bill back to the Senate. This bill will avoid the inevitable partial government shutdown scheduled for 12:01am Tuesday, October 1. The president will veto this bill and thus HE will shut down the government.

Obama will shut down the government because the spending bill also contains a provision for delaying Obamacare for one year. Read More: Obama Veto Will Cause Shutdown

The president has no interest in what is good for the average American citizen, especially where Obamacare is concerned. Big business raised a stink, it got a one year delay in the employer mandate provision  of the law. Thousands of other organizations have received waivers because they complained. Unions thugs liked the bill in the beginning. They don't like it now. They will get what they want. Congress (Democrats) voted for the bill but don't want to have to come under it. They will get a special compensation package to their liking. And there are many provisions of the bill that have been delayed or put on hold because the Administration can't get it's act together in time to implement them or they don't know how to deal with them. 

But you, the little guy, gets no special dispensation or consideration where this abomination of a law is concerned. Nope, and Obama cares not that 60% of you don't like Obamacare or want it intruding
on your lives. Furthermore, Obama could care less that his approval rating as president is at a two year low of 47% ( in May, 2011 it was 60%.) His approval rating on his handling of the economy is an embarrassing 35%, but that's another story.

So, because our president has a 'Go To Hell' attitude toward the Republicans, he will shut down the government at 12:01am, October1, 2013. That, my friends, is what he calls governing!

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Muppets & The Senate

                                              Similarities Here? Nah? Yeah? Alright!
Statler & Waldorf -The Muppets
McConnell & Reid - The Senate
                             HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Stormy Debate in Congress

 So...what's new? Congress is doing what it does best. Bickering over what amounts to party line politics and not doing the people's business. But the storm clouds are brewing.

At issue is the budget, out of control spending, shutting down the government, a socialist health care program and raising the debt ceiling. House republicans passed and sent to the Senate a bill to defund Obamacare and continue government spending at current
levels until December 15. Anyone with any common sense knew that the Democrats, who control the Senate, weren't going to let that fly. Republicans knew that as well but their constituency demands they put up the good fight over Obamacare. That fight's not over yet.

Now, the GOP is hatching another plot. This one is over the debt ceiling which the president says he's not negotiating on but the Republicans aren't just going to lie down and take it either. Read More: House Ties Debt Ceiling To Obamacare

House Speaker John Boehner says hes not putting up with Obama's 'new normal' of low wages, a shrinking economy and no jobs. he's right, but the GOP has to be careful on their strategy.
John Boehner

 Any government shutdown will be blamed on the Republicans despite being Obama's fault for not negotiating an acceptable compromise.

Along with agreeing to raising the debt, the Republicans want spending cuts and a one year hiatus on implementing Obamacare which is just around the corner. After all, Obama has already put off the employer mandate part of the bill for companies, why not for the individual little guy as well? Don't look for Obama to agree to it. He's hell-bent on sticking it to us. Congress has gotten an Obamacare waiver of sorts, indicating that despite their claims, they don't like the bill either. Many large companies are getting waivers, and, of course, Obama's big buddies in the unions are going to get what they want. It matters not that over 60% of Americans are against Obamacare. A meager 34% favor it.

Maybe, as some suggest, the Republicans should stop trying to derail the Obamacare train wreck, saying that train will derail itself once it is fully implemented and the overwhelming disaster that it is is fully realized. It will take care of  itself. It has already cost many Americans a cut in wages, a cut in hours and in many cases a loss of
jobs. Also, many people are seeing what was known to be false from the start despite Obama's promise of "If you like your current health care plan you can keep it. If you like your doctor you can keep him/her."The president is running around the country saying claiming Obamacare will result in lower health care costs. Really, Mr. President? How do you explain a the 189.79% increase in insurance premiums a family in Kentucky just got hit with? Read More: An Obamacare Horror Story

Democrats up for re-election in 2014 aren't going to go for putting off Obamacare for a year. They have  to go home and fight the battle. They are running for cover from it despite having voted for it. But, delayed or not, their opponents are not going to let the voters forget where they stand on the issue.

 If the GOP allows it to go into effect now, by the elections roll around people will really be looking for a change and Republicans my have a chance of taking back the Senate. That would accomplish two things...a real chance to get rid of Obamacare and finally putting current Senate Majority Leader "Dirty" Harry Reid on the side lines.

It's a shame, but most Americans aren't paying attention to what's going on in Washington. They could care less about debt ceilings, and continuing budget resolutions.It's just that when this all hits them down the road they'll then wonder what happened. By then, it's too late.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Obamacare Costs Rise Across The Country

              So much for the promise of lower health care costs

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lois Lerner Escapes With Your Money

 Well...we all saw this coming. Remember Lois Lerner, the IRS person who headed up the administration's policy of targeting conservative groups slow walking their tax exempt applications? She has retired. Yep! Bolted. Lois had testified to not testify before a Congressional committee looking into the IRS scandal. She took the fifth. watch the video to refresh your memory:

 After this appearance Lois theoretically was asked to resign by the upperlings at IRS. She supposedly refused, So rather than terminate her, the smart people at IRS put her on administrative leave....WITH PAY!
So here's how smart the people who hound us over our money are. If, indeed, they asked her to resign (they would deny it, of course) that means 'we want you gone.' She says, 'no, not going.' So rather than terminate her they put her on 'vacation' with a pay check to boot. And these are the same loony tunes that's going to run Obamacare?! Am I missing something here?

Ms. Lerner bolted because and IRS review board found that she had 'neglected her duties' and was going to recommend she be fired. Retiring allows her to leave without loosing any of her taxpayer
paid retirement benefits. And she leaves with a bundle. Read More. Lerner Screws The taxpayer - Gets Full Benefits
She said in her 'pleading the fifth statement' to Congress that she did nothing wrong, she broke no laws. Really, Lois? Those two statements were under oath....guess they might not have been so truthful after all, huh?

Strange, isn't it. These people get caught in a scandal and what do they do...find the exit sign. Lois Lerner apparently took her cue from Hillary Clinton, who quickly left her post as Secretary of State after finding herself embroiled in her own scandal...Benghazi. 

Ms. Lerner can still be compelled, as a citizen, to come back and testify. So her leaving the IRS doesn't mean the investigation ends and unless she is given full immunity from prosecution and perjury she will probably do it again....plead the fifth. Shame on you, Lois.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Obama In Bed With Iran? Mistake, Says Israel

President Obama, after screwing up the Syrian situation and allowing the Russians to take the lead, may not have learned his lesson. There may be a good chance he will sit down with the new Iranian president, Hassan Rowhani who, along with Obama, will be at an upcoming session of the United Nations in New York.

Is this a good idea?  Remember, these are the same Iranians who 1) support and house various terrorist groups 2) have and continue to aid the Syrian government in their civil war with a rebel faction 3) despite denial, are well on their way to gaining nuclear weapons 4) have sworn to blow Israel off the face of the
Hassan Rowhani
earth, and 5) we do not have much confidence in Mr. Obama to be successful in these sort of things. Read More: Congress To Obama: Don't Give In To Iran
 Mr. Rowhani has sent signals of late of wanting to discuss his nuclear program with the U.S. While Iran maintains the program is domestic only, not military, this is not believed by most in the international community. Obama, in the past, has said Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Will he back down on that statement as he did with his promised strike of Syria?

For all intents and purposes Iran is a sworn enemy of the United States. Sooner or later we will come to blows with this country.

The gathering at the UN will  take up the issue of coming to an agreement with Iran on their nuclear program. Israel says any agreement with the Iranians is wrong. Read More: Israel: NO Deal With Iran - Sees A Trap

Keep in mind that as president of Iran, Rowhani is a mere figurehead with little power. The true ruler if Iran is the Ayatollah. So...better to not waste your time, Mr. Obama. Save face, yours and the country's. Take Michelle out for a dinner and a movie instead. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

House Approves Defunding of Obamacare -Obama to Shut Down Gov't

 The U.S. House of Representatives Friday passed a bill to 1) continue government spending at the current rates until December 15 to avoid a government shutdown and 2) defund Obamacare. Read more: House Votes No on Obamacare

This bill now goes to the Democratically controlled Senate where it will fail on both counts, meaning the government will shut down and the president's train wreck known as Obamacare will roll on.

 As usual, the Democrats will blame the Republicans for shutting
down the government and the low information voters ( people who don't pay enough attention to know what they are talking or what is really going on) will agree with them. These are the same people responsible for putting Obama in the White House.

BUT, in fact, Mr. President, the true blame for any shutdown will be on you and your accomplices in Congress. It's simple, Sir. The Republicans have offered a bill to continue running your inept government for three months, in order to negotiate a budget as well as Obamacare spending. But your ego and narcissistic attitude says you will not negotiate with the GOP. Funny, you saw fit to negotiate with the Russians on Syria and we hear you might sit down with Iran...but not the Republicans.  No disrespect, but you're too much of a politician to be president. The will of the people always seems to be in your rear view mirror. A true leader puts people and country first...everything else should be in that rear view mirror.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Democrats Displeased with Obama

 There is growing discontent on Capitol Hill these days with the occupant in the White House. Oh, sure, it's no surprise that the Republicans have a problem with President Obama, and his overall approval rating with the public is at a paltry 44%. But it's the Democrats...yes, members of his own party that are turning away from the president. Read More: Defiance Among The Dems

 The could lead to some problems for the president as he prepares to go to battle with the Republicans over the budget. Mr. Obama is already laying the groundwork, traveling the country blaming the GOP for all the country's ills, but that's old news. What's new is that some Democrats, especially those up for reelection next year, may
not ballyhoo the president's high spending program. Americans are fed with a Obama's money machine that has our national debt approaching $17 trillion dollars. (Click the link.) U.S.DebtClock       Republicans are threatening no budget deals without major cuts in spending and ousting or defunding Obamacare. Read More: Budget Fight On The Horizon 

Those facing the voters in 2014 also talking less and less about how great Obamacare is, despite voting for the bill. As time has gone on Obamacare has proven not to be the panacea the president and his party touted in the beginning and those up for reelection are trying to ignore the issue in their campaigns. Opponents will surely keep it on the front burner.

Democrats, along with the rest of us, also have issues with Obama's leadership abilities. They seem non-existent...a president in over his head surrounded by amateurish subordinates. Beset by scandals
from the Fast & Furious gun running debacle and the IRS targeting of conservative groups to four dead Americans in the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack, just to name a few, this White House is a listing ship with an incompetent captain. 

Democrats, and republicans as well, are not happy with the president's handling of the Syrian crisis, feeling that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin put on over on us in wrangling a chemical weapons deal with Syria which made the U.S. look weak and ineffective in the eyes of the world.

 Here at home, the economy is still pretty much in the tank with the false unemployment rate at about 7.3% and the real rate at 11%.
All in all, not much for the Dems to hang their hats on. And why should they? Obama is a lame duck president. He also is old news. Democrats are looking ahead to...............Hillary Clinton!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Obamacare: Stinks More and More Every Day

This will be short and sweet, the link below speaks for itself and should totally piss off every American. No wonder Congress and the government in general has the lowest approval ratings in history. President Obama is responsible for this and Democrats should be ashamed of themselves (like that's gonna happen!) Read More: Obama Plays Dirty Tricks With Obamacare -

Obamacare is to take full affect within two weeks time. Republicans have voted to repeal it some 40 times and vow a fight to repeal or defund Obamacare when budget and debt ceiling talks begin this month in Washington. Even some democrats are having second thoughts about the socialistic law. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) last April declared Obamacare a train wreck. And now, big money man and major Obama supporter, Warren Buffet, has issues with Obamacare, saying "Health care costs in the United States are like a tapeworm eating at our economic body." Read More: Buffett: Scrap Obamacare

 Meanwhile a new Fox News poll says 7 out of 10 voters are concerned about their health care.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Obamacare: Whom do you sleep with?

 Whose business is it anyway? You're spouse's, if it's someone other than him or her. Other than that, it's no ones business....except your Federal Government. That's right. Barack Obama, The president who spies on your emails and phone calls, wants to know who you sleep with. And he's going to force you to tell him through his intrusive and socialistic health care program, the train wreck known as Obamacare. Your doctors, whether they be a general family doctor, cardiologist, dentist or podiatrist, will be forced to ask you, by law, about your sex life. Read more: Obamacare's Sexual Intrusion .  (Now we know the REAL reason Congress has opted out of Obamacare.)

Remember way back when, when then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of Affordable Health Care law, "You have to pass it to know what's in it." How prophetic that statement was. The Federal Government is not known for it's 'smarts' as it is. There isn't a
program that it oversees that it hasn't screwed up. Obamacare will be no major boondoggle. This is just one more reason Obamacare needs to be defunded by Congress. If Obama and his minions think any one of us is going to give 'truthful' information about our sex lives to any doctor...they are truly stupid.

 When your doctor asks......Claim celibacy!!!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Benghazi: More Cover Up

 While the incompetence of the Obama administration continues to be on display with the abhorrent handling of the Syria situation, the disgust of the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack a year ago continues to play out.

You remember Benghazi. Al Qaeda related terrorists stormed an American Consulate. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
Benghazi: U.S. Consulate
collectively decided NOT to send in the troops and as a result four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, were murdered. 

Congress has been holding hearings trying to establish what happened, why it happened and who let it happen. From the start there have been lies, stonewalling and a cover up from Obama and Clinton on down. Why? What is it the Obama administration doesn't want us to know? Read More: What Are They Really Covering Up?

And now another link has been added to the cover up, from the State Department itself. What happens when you allow an agency to investigate itself about a wrongdoing? DUH! Cover up for the top people and assign blame, if any is to be found, to underlings. They are called scapegoats. Read More: State Dept: Big Wigs Not To Blame

Not a big surprise, and as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton screamed during her Congressional Benghazi hearing, "What difference does it make?" ( click the video)

 Obviously to Mrs. Clinton and to those who wrote the State Department report, it makes no difference. But it does make a difference to the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen
Returning Home
Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods and Americans who think the government's actions were deplorable at best. At worst there's blood on the hands of those in command. Do they sleep well at night? Probably. Especially when their agency friends issue a report essentially exonerating them.

Friday, September 13, 2013

How The Week Ended...(Not Good!)


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unions Whine About Obamacare - Buddy Obama Will Make It Right

 Obamacare and politics - joined at the hip. The (un)Affordable Care Act has been a disaster ever since the word was first uttered out of the mouth of President Obama while on the campaign trail in 2007. Passed by Democrats in 2009, Obamacare is now barreling down the track and has been labeled an impending train wreck.
Even many of the Democrats that cast a "yes" vote are now having their doubts. Businesses are cutting back personnel and employee hours to avoid penalties. The average citizen is realizing increased medical costs, insurance coverage changes and loss of their physicians despite promises by the president to the contrary. 
Companies who don't like the law have asked for waivers and many have been granted. Even Congress (and this is the real rub) not liking what they are seeing, have gotten a waiver. But the average Joe? Sorry, man, your stuck.

Now comes Obama's favorite pals...the unions. On board from the beginning, unions are now crying foul after seeing what Obamacare will do to their members. demanding something be done, Obama is all to happy to comply. Read More: Obama Thinks About Granting Union's Wish . Why? The union vote, of course. Unions are, and always have been, liberal institutions.

The Republicans see favoritism on the part of Mr. Obama and are going after him. Read More:  GOP Blasts Union Obamacare Fix 
Somehow, just like everything else in Obama's world, he will find a way, along with his the Democrats and his willing accomplices in the liberal leaning media, to skirt the law and help union friends out. Meanwhile, the rest of us get to ride this train wreck.

By the way...if you've paid even a little bit of attention this Summer, managing to slip through all the scandal crap the president is putting us through, you know there has been a move afoot in Congress to defund Obamacare this fall. Well...forget that. Unless the GOP can get their act together, it ain't gonna happen.  The current spending bill the government is running on is about to expire. A bill was heading for a vote in the House to extend the current spending til mid September. That bill was supposed to have language defunding
Obamacare, but the way the bill is written the defunding part can be scuttled by the Senate and sent to the president for signature. Seems the House leadership crafted it that way on purpose, but a number of conservatives who hang their hat on the Tea Party label pushed back thus their aren't enough votes in the House for passage. Read More: Tea Party Bunch Flex Muscles. Normally a bill that passes the House and goes to the Senate will end up in a conference committee to hash out any differences. This apparently by-passed that allowing the Senate controlled Dems to just take defunding out of the bill and send a "clean" bill to the president. Makes one wonder whose side House leadership, John Boehner and Eric Cantor, are on.

 Not going to get it done, gentlemen, if you are squabbling like two year olds....


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Ruse Is In...Maybe.

 Yes, that's right. The ruse is in. If anyone thinks that any agreement between Syria and Russia for Syria to give up their chemical weapons to avoid a U.S. military strike is serious, needs to have their head examined.

This is a hoax perpetrated on the world and especially the United States. This is classic the fox guarding the hen house. Russia backs the Syrian regime in it's civil war against Syrian rebels wanting to overthrow President Bashar al Assad. Russian President Vladimir
Assad & Putin
Putin has probably gone to Assad and said something like,  "Look, Bashar, you don't need these chemical weapons to win this war. Russia will still continue to sell you arms and ammunition and anything else necessary to keep you in power. Give me your chemicals and avoid this nonsense that Obama is threatening. I'll give the stuff back to you when this thing blows over."

So Assad says to Putin, "Deal." Read More: Syria OKs Russian Proposal. Is this a ruse? Are we being taken for a ride? One need only consider the players. There is, however, a move afoot to make sure this isn't a hoax on the part of Putin and Assad. Read more: Britain's PM Seeks Resolution

From President Obama's point of view, a deal to turn over chemical weapons by Syria gets him off the hook. But there is a bad trade off. Obama drew a line (red) in the sand a year ago saying if Syria uses the chemicals the United States would respond. Assad called Obama's bluff and Obama was obliged to respond. But the going was rough in that
Putin & Obama
Obama could not only not garner world-wide support for a strike against Syria, he was rebuffed by Congress and the public at home as well. What to do? Not to strike would show the president and the United States as being weak and it would embolden our enemies. No fear of the United States of America. The mighty giant has fallen. To attack would raise the ire of all those around the world who said "no" to a strike, including our best ally, Great Britain. A strike would certainly touch off an attack on Middle Eastern friends Jordan and Israel by Syria and Iran and we would then be involved in a bigger skirmish than just a minor strike against Syria. 

Obama is looking for a way out of this. Putin has given it to him (which makes Putin look like the most powerful man in the world, traditionally saved for the U.S. president.) But to save face Obama is willing to let the U.S.'s standing as the world's most powerful
nation go to hell in a hand basket. And make no mistake. Being the narcissist that he is, Barack Obama will claim credit for the Russian / Syria chemical weapons deal. He alluded to it in his speech to the nation Tuesday night, saying this was an item he discussed with the Russian leader at the G-20 Summit meeting the week before.

Obama is not totally off the hook, however. The question is, what does he do if the deal between Russia and Syria falls through? There is a good chance it might. And these things take time, enough for Assad to hide some weapons and to ship some off to a friend for safe keeping...say Iran. Go back to the resolution Britain's prime minister is seeking. If it holds Putin, will not accept it. Then, what does Obama do.......strike?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


    (Link) ...And Still No Answers

                                                  The Obama-led cover up continues.........


Monday, September 9, 2013

Amateurs in the White House

 Karl Rove, former senior advisor to President Bush, said it over the weekend, "It's amateur hour in the Obama White House." He was speaking of how the president and his administration has been handling the Syrian issue. Click the video:

 Indeed..Obama has strung this out going on two weeks. He can't make a decision. First he wasn't going to take the Syrian chemical attack on it's own people to Congress. The narcissism within him says he's all powerful and doesn't need Congress. Then, after Congress said, 'you better,' he decided to to it. But Congress and the American public (56%) are saying 'stay out of Syria.' Congress is a yes and no vote...yes, the Senate is likely to okay a strike, no, the House is likely to vote against it. Obama will waffle on that one, thinking.."Hmmm, the Senate said it was okay, that's enough for me," and take his punitive action against Syrian President Assad.

And that brings up another point. The president has always said any action will be punitive, a "shot across the bow." We'll just punish the guy for being a bad boy...similar to 'time out.' Secretary of State John Kerry says we're not going to war. We're going to play 'little ball.' Read more: Kerry: Strike Will Be Small . This is incredible! Secretary Kerry says any strike against Syria will be "unbelievably
Secretary of State John Kerry
small." Really?! Then why do it? If your effort amounts to nothing more than lobbing a grenade into a landfill, it's not worth it, considering the consequences. No matter how small the Syrian regime will view it as big, and an excuse to retaliate not only against us in some way, but Israel and Jordan as well. This "unbelievably small" effort could escalate in to bigger things. If you're going to do something...make it worth doing. 

Further, Mr. Kerry has issued an ultimatum to the Syrian president. Read more: Kerry: Give Up The Weapons . Like Kerry said, he knows this isn't going to happen. But, to say if Assad does turn over his chemical weapons he can avoid a strike is ludicrous. Two things, Mr. Kerry. One, Assad welcomes a strike. He WANTS to retaliate, and two, wasn't the whole point of a strike to 'punish' Assad for what he did? That's what President Obama is having his war-mongering fit over. Now you say we'll give that up if Assad plays nice? Sounds like someone is trying to save face here and get the president out the mess he created. 

Or, and this could be huge, has Mr. Kerry just undermined the president by trying to strike a deal with Assad. Obama has made the rounds of TV network inteerviews trying to drum up support for a strike against Syria. He is taking his case before all of us in an address to the nation Tuesday night. One would think that, knowing this, Kerry would have cleared this with the president BEFORE going public with it, wouldn't one?

Ah...but this is the Obama White House we're talking about!

As Mr. Rove said, "It's amateur hour at the White House."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Striking Syria

 This week we will mark two anniversaries, both of them on 9/11. The first, September 11, 2001. Muslim extremists in the guise of Al
World Trade Center Twin Towers
Qaeda, lead by Osama Bin Laden, truck the United States killing more than 3000 citizens. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan were spawned from that attack The second, Muslim extremists, also tied to Al Qaeda, attacked the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to that country.

Today, we are on the brink of another conflict, this one with Syria.
President Obama, based on reports Syria used saran gas on its own people, is pushing for world approval for a strike, though limited, against Syria. He is being met with disapproval. Even Great Britain, our staunchest ally, has said no.

Folks at home, war weary from Iraq and Afghanistan, along with many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, are reluctant
to go forward with any kind of military action against Syria. The administration's incompetence and cover-up of the Benghazi attack is also a factor. Read More: Benghazi Haunts Syria Strike
Attack on Benghazi Consulate

The fact that Obama is adamant about going after Syria is strange on several fronts. First, he's a liberal Democrat. Democrats are traditionally doves, balking at conflict. Second, Barack Obama came in to office saying his personality alone would be enough to soothe our enemies. Third, any strike against the Syrian regime will help the rebels fighting the government. The rebels are backed, supported and fighting alongside....Al Qaeda. And, finally, Obama blasted President Bush for going to war in Iraq. Well, there are stark difference's between Bush's Iraq war and Obama's desire to strike Syria. Read More: Bush's Iraq vs. Obama's Syria

Attacking Syria has additional consequences. Should Obama go through with his plan, Syria and Iran will likely attack Jordan and Israel, both allies of the U.S. Egypt, being in turmoil may join in and not necessarily with the United States. Thus, the president's limited and punitive strike mat lead to something much bigger. Both Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have said 'no American boots will be on the ground' should we hit Syria. It seems it would be hard to keep that promise should an all out war break out as a result. 

But make no mistake. The president dug this hole he's put us in. A year ago he drew a 'red line' saying if Syria used chemical weapons against his people we would strike. (Last week Obama backed
President Obama
tracked saying he didn't draw that line, the world did.) But now that the line has been crossed the president is obliged to take action. Not to will simply embolden our enemies in whose eyes the United States will look weak. In that respect a strike may be necessary, then hope for the best. On the other hand, former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, would rather we stay out of it saying "Let Allah sort it out."

Friday, September 6, 2013

It's NFL Time!

                                                    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

President Obama: Who Is He Blaming Now?

OMG! He's done it again!! President Obama is now blaming...THE WORLD for setting the 'Red Line' against Syria! 
 "I didn’t set a red line, the world set a red line,” Obama said. “My credibility’s not on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America and Congress’s credibility’s on the line."
 Read More: Obama: It Wasn't Me
 Can anything be more incredible? The man speaks then says he didn't and then blames someone else for something he said that he says he didn't say! Huh? said it, Mr. the video and hear it for yourself.


 Even more incredible, he now says that after saying he didn't draw that line his credibility is not in question. Again, he blames others. Click the video:

 The President's Syrian initiative is a stake here. He has backed himself into a corner with the 'Red Line' statement of a year ago. Syria has called his bluff and used chemical weapons against its own people and now the president, in order to save face, must respond. Speaking of credibility, the credibility of the United States also is at stake here. To not respond will give other nations the impression we are weak and countries like Iran will feel free to do as they wish( strike Israel) because there will be no reprisal from the U.S. The problem the president has is he's not getting much support from the international community or here at home.
Even Senator john McCain, a staunch supporter early on is backing off., not from a strike altogether but from the resolution to strike as it now stands. Read More: McCain on Syrian Strike Resolution

The president is well known for not accepting responsibility.....for anything. Now that support for going after Syria is waning, one might surmise that his turn around on the 'Red Line' comment is his way of saying, 'I'm not the one that said we (the United States) would respond militarily of Syria used chemical weapons.'

It is strange though, and one must ask, why is Mr. Obama so adamant on going after Syria for their atrocities when he refuses to go after those responsible for the atrocities in Benghazi, Libya of almost a year ago? He still hasn't accepted responsibility for that, and won't, but is still blaming others.