Sunday, September 29, 2013

Obama's 'Go To Hell' attitude Will Shut Down The Government - Harry Reid, a willing Accomplice

UPDATE:  President Obama and Senator Harry Reid are well on their way to shutting down the government. Read More: Thank The Dems - The Ship Is Sinking!

 For those of  you uppity-up right wing liberals who are hell-bent on blaming the Republicans for a government shut down...sorry. There is only one person that will be responsible. He currently occupies
the Oval Office. Barack Obama has a 'to hell with you' attitude. He has no interest in governing for the betterment of the country or the will of the people. He is narcissistic enough not to sit down and work out a compromise with the Republicans.

The House of Representatives sent a revised temporary spending bill back to the Senate. This bill will avoid the inevitable partial government shutdown scheduled for 12:01am Tuesday, October 1. The president will veto this bill and thus HE will shut down the government.

Obama will shut down the government because the spending bill also contains a provision for delaying Obamacare for one year. Read More: Obama Veto Will Cause Shutdown

The president has no interest in what is good for the average American citizen, especially where Obamacare is concerned. Big business raised a stink, it got a one year delay in the employer mandate provision  of the law. Thousands of other organizations have received waivers because they complained. Unions thugs liked the bill in the beginning. They don't like it now. They will get what they want. Congress (Democrats) voted for the bill but don't want to have to come under it. They will get a special compensation package to their liking. And there are many provisions of the bill that have been delayed or put on hold because the Administration can't get it's act together in time to implement them or they don't know how to deal with them. 

But you, the little guy, gets no special dispensation or consideration where this abomination of a law is concerned. Nope, and Obama cares not that 60% of you don't like Obamacare or want it intruding
on your lives. Furthermore, Obama could care less that his approval rating as president is at a two year low of 47% ( in May, 2011 it was 60%.) His approval rating on his handling of the economy is an embarrassing 35%, but that's another story.

So, because our president has a 'Go To Hell' attitude toward the Republicans, he will shut down the government at 12:01am, October1, 2013. That, my friends, is what he calls governing!

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