Sunday, September 22, 2013

House Approves Defunding of Obamacare -Obama to Shut Down Gov't

 The U.S. House of Representatives Friday passed a bill to 1) continue government spending at the current rates until December 15 to avoid a government shutdown and 2) defund Obamacare. Read more: House Votes No on Obamacare

This bill now goes to the Democratically controlled Senate where it will fail on both counts, meaning the government will shut down and the president's train wreck known as Obamacare will roll on.

 As usual, the Democrats will blame the Republicans for shutting
down the government and the low information voters ( people who don't pay enough attention to know what they are talking or what is really going on) will agree with them. These are the same people responsible for putting Obama in the White House.

BUT, in fact, Mr. President, the true blame for any shutdown will be on you and your accomplices in Congress. It's simple, Sir. The Republicans have offered a bill to continue running your inept government for three months, in order to negotiate a budget as well as Obamacare spending. But your ego and narcissistic attitude says you will not negotiate with the GOP. Funny, you saw fit to negotiate with the Russians on Syria and we hear you might sit down with Iran...but not the Republicans.  No disrespect, but you're too much of a politician to be president. The will of the people always seems to be in your rear view mirror. A true leader puts people and country first...everything else should be in that rear view mirror.

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