Sunday, September 15, 2013

Benghazi: More Cover Up

 While the incompetence of the Obama administration continues to be on display with the abhorrent handling of the Syria situation, the disgust of the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack a year ago continues to play out.

You remember Benghazi. Al Qaeda related terrorists stormed an American Consulate. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
Benghazi: U.S. Consulate
collectively decided NOT to send in the troops and as a result four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, were murdered. 

Congress has been holding hearings trying to establish what happened, why it happened and who let it happen. From the start there have been lies, stonewalling and a cover up from Obama and Clinton on down. Why? What is it the Obama administration doesn't want us to know? Read More: What Are They Really Covering Up?

And now another link has been added to the cover up, from the State Department itself. What happens when you allow an agency to investigate itself about a wrongdoing? DUH! Cover up for the top people and assign blame, if any is to be found, to underlings. They are called scapegoats. Read More: State Dept: Big Wigs Not To Blame

Not a big surprise, and as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton screamed during her Congressional Benghazi hearing, "What difference does it make?" ( click the video)

 Obviously to Mrs. Clinton and to those who wrote the State Department report, it makes no difference. But it does make a difference to the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen
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Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods and Americans who think the government's actions were deplorable at best. At worst there's blood on the hands of those in command. Do they sleep well at night? Probably. Especially when their agency friends issue a report essentially exonerating them.

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