Monday, September 16, 2013

Obamacare: Whom do you sleep with?

 Whose business is it anyway? You're spouse's, if it's someone other than him or her. Other than that, it's no ones business....except your Federal Government. That's right. Barack Obama, The president who spies on your emails and phone calls, wants to know who you sleep with. And he's going to force you to tell him through his intrusive and socialistic health care program, the train wreck known as Obamacare. Your doctors, whether they be a general family doctor, cardiologist, dentist or podiatrist, will be forced to ask you, by law, about your sex life. Read more: Obamacare's Sexual Intrusion .  (Now we know the REAL reason Congress has opted out of Obamacare.)

Remember way back when, when then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of Affordable Health Care law, "You have to pass it to know what's in it." How prophetic that statement was. The Federal Government is not known for it's 'smarts' as it is. There isn't a
program that it oversees that it hasn't screwed up. Obamacare will be no major boondoggle. This is just one more reason Obamacare needs to be defunded by Congress. If Obama and his minions think any one of us is going to give 'truthful' information about our sex lives to any doctor...they are truly stupid.

 When your doctor asks......Claim celibacy!!!


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