Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lois Lerner Escapes With Your Money

 Well...we all saw this coming. Remember Lois Lerner, the IRS person who headed up the administration's policy of targeting conservative groups slow walking their tax exempt applications? She has retired. Yep! Bolted. Lois had testified to not testify before a Congressional committee looking into the IRS scandal. She took the fifth. watch the video to refresh your memory:

 After this appearance Lois theoretically was asked to resign by the upperlings at IRS. She supposedly refused, So rather than terminate her, the smart people at IRS put her on administrative leave....WITH PAY!
So here's how smart the people who hound us over our money are. If, indeed, they asked her to resign (they would deny it, of course) that means 'we want you gone.' She says, 'no, not going.' So rather than terminate her they put her on 'vacation' with a pay check to boot. And these are the same loony tunes that's going to run Obamacare?! Am I missing something here?

Ms. Lerner bolted because and IRS review board found that she had 'neglected her duties' and was going to recommend she be fired. Retiring allows her to leave without loosing any of her taxpayer
paid retirement benefits. And she leaves with a bundle. Read More. Lerner Screws The taxpayer - Gets Full Benefits
She said in her 'pleading the fifth statement' to Congress that she did nothing wrong, she broke no laws. Really, Lois? Those two statements were under oath....guess they might not have been so truthful after all, huh?

Strange, isn't it. These people get caught in a scandal and what do they do...find the exit sign. Lois Lerner apparently took her cue from Hillary Clinton, who quickly left her post as Secretary of State after finding herself embroiled in her own scandal...Benghazi. 

Ms. Lerner can still be compelled, as a citizen, to come back and testify. So her leaving the IRS doesn't mean the investigation ends and unless she is given full immunity from prosecution and perjury she will probably do it again....plead the fifth. Shame on you, Lois.


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