Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Ruse Is In...Maybe.

 Yes, that's right. The ruse is in. If anyone thinks that any agreement between Syria and Russia for Syria to give up their chemical weapons to avoid a U.S. military strike is serious, needs to have their head examined.

This is a hoax perpetrated on the world and especially the United States. This is classic the fox guarding the hen house. Russia backs the Syrian regime in it's civil war against Syrian rebels wanting to overthrow President Bashar al Assad. Russian President Vladimir
Assad & Putin
Putin has probably gone to Assad and said something like,  "Look, Bashar, you don't need these chemical weapons to win this war. Russia will still continue to sell you arms and ammunition and anything else necessary to keep you in power. Give me your chemicals and avoid this nonsense that Obama is threatening. I'll give the stuff back to you when this thing blows over."

So Assad says to Putin, "Deal." Read More: Syria OKs Russian Proposal. Is this a ruse? Are we being taken for a ride? One need only consider the players. There is, however, a move afoot to make sure this isn't a hoax on the part of Putin and Assad. Read more: Britain's PM Seeks Resolution

From President Obama's point of view, a deal to turn over chemical weapons by Syria gets him off the hook. But there is a bad trade off. Obama drew a line (red) in the sand a year ago saying if Syria uses the chemicals the United States would respond. Assad called Obama's bluff and Obama was obliged to respond. But the going was rough in that
Putin & Obama
Obama could not only not garner world-wide support for a strike against Syria, he was rebuffed by Congress and the public at home as well. What to do? Not to strike would show the president and the United States as being weak and it would embolden our enemies. No fear of the United States of America. The mighty giant has fallen. To attack would raise the ire of all those around the world who said "no" to a strike, including our best ally, Great Britain. A strike would certainly touch off an attack on Middle Eastern friends Jordan and Israel by Syria and Iran and we would then be involved in a bigger skirmish than just a minor strike against Syria. 

Obama is looking for a way out of this. Putin has given it to him (which makes Putin look like the most powerful man in the world, traditionally saved for the U.S. president.) But to save face Obama is willing to let the U.S.'s standing as the world's most powerful
nation go to hell in a hand basket. And make no mistake. Being the narcissist that he is, Barack Obama will claim credit for the Russian / Syria chemical weapons deal. He alluded to it in his speech to the nation Tuesday night, saying this was an item he discussed with the Russian leader at the G-20 Summit meeting the week before.

Obama is not totally off the hook, however. The question is, what does he do if the deal between Russia and Syria falls through? There is a good chance it might. And these things take time, enough for Assad to hide some weapons and to ship some off to a friend for safe keeping...say Iran. Go back to the resolution Britain's prime minister is seeking. If it holds Putin, will not accept it. Then, what does Obama do.......strike?

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