Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Agreement or not, We Are Going Over The Fiscal Cliff!!

It appears the president and his band of thieves are going to get their way, a bill that raises taxes. The Senate has passed a bill that raises taxes on income over $450,000, and very little in the way of spending cuts. For the middle class folks who may have been looking for a drop in the tax rate, forget it...it remains the same as it has been for the last ten years...the bone thrown to you people is that there is an extension of the Bush tax cuts.

U.S. Capitol
The bill is in the hands of the House which has two choices. (1) Pass the senate bill as it stands and (2) add spending cuts to the bill and send it back to the Senate which will sit on it, allowing the fiscal cliff to become a reality. Then they will blame the GOP for hitting Americans with the largest tax hike in history, especially after the Senate passed the bill with bi-partisan support. Look for the House Republicans to cave and pass the Senate bill as is. After the bill is passed the president will congratulate the House and Senate for getting the job done and giving the middle class a tax break. this is another Obama lie, among many. Read More: Bill Means Higher taxes on 77% of Households  

President Obama
The president and his minions have said they we want the tax increases now and they will do the spending cuts at a later date....note: "at a later date" is code for we lied, we have no intention of cutting spending. The Democrats played this game before with both the Reagan and Bush the first administrations. Republicans have short term or no memories if they fall for this again. 

President Obama has no intention of cutting spending. And he has no intention of using the revenue gained from the taxes on the "rich" to lower the enormous deficit as he has promised to do. He will SPEND it. Furthermore,The Senate Bill will add roughly $4 trillion to the deficit. Read More: Deficit to Increase With Bill
The Democrats don't get it. They never have. This country does not has a revenue problem. It has a spending problem. The president gets it. It's what he wants. It is his sole intention to spend this country into higher debt. Why? It's in  his ideology. The man is an anti-colonialist. He does not like the fact that this country is the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world and wants to reduce the United States to the level of those countries less fortunate. Sound familiar? Tax the rich, spread the wealth...share it with those less fortunate? 

Look for this...should the House sell out and give the president what he wants the president will bask in the glory of victory among those who mistakenly gave him a second term. Long term, however, when the reality hits the fan that spending and the debt continues to spiral out of control, when the disaster known as Obamacare is fully realized, when defense cuts puts this country's security in peril and when the taxes shoved down our throats hits small businesses and and as a result higher unemployment,  and when the United States economically is reduced to the level of Greece and Spain ...then and only then will it be known the disaster known as Barack Obama. But it will be too late.
The United States will be reduced to "just another also ran."

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