Monday, January 28, 2013

Al Qaeda and the Media

                        Unmanned Drone          Reuters
So, I'm confused. Al Qaeda, the terrorist group that in 1998 bombed the U.S. Embassy in Kenya, bombed the World Trade Center the first time in in 1993, attacked the U.S.S. Cole warship in 2000, took down the World Trade Center buildings in 2001, along with a host of other bombings throughout the world in the last two decades, is now weak and on the run. Well, that's what President Obama would have us believe. The president appeared on Jon Stewart’s 'The Daily Show,' and classified the deaths of four Americans in the AL Qaeda attack on our Benghazi consulate as “not optimal."  He added  “When you look at our track record as to say we’ve ended the war in Iraq, we’re winding down the war in Afghanistan we’ve gone after Al Qaeda and it’s leadership, it’s true that Al Qaeda is still active at least remnants of it are staging in North Africa and the Middle East, and sometimes you’ve got to make some tough calls, but you can do so that is consistent with international law and American law.”

I'm not sure that the use of the word 'remnants' was a good choice since Al Qaeda seems more active today than back in 2006. Mr. Obama, early in his first term, declared the "War on Terror" over, refusing to even use the word terrorist when referring to those prone to conduct such acts. And, he figured the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda's leader and mastermind, put the icing on that cake. Not so, it seems. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made reference to increased Al Qaeda activity in areas of Africa, and the administration is running around in circles trying to figure out how to handle it. Read More: African Drone base Planned

So, Mr. President. Al Qaeda is alive and apparently well. Is this our next war?

Closer to home, Mr. President is having issues with Fox News. As usual Obama is playing the blame game again saying if it wasn't for Fox, Republicans might be more willing to compromise with him and the Democrats on issues. (excuse me, but compromise is NOT in Obama's make-up!) Read More: Fox News: A Thorn in Obama's Side

                            60 Minutes Interview         AP/CBS
I don't know why he's kicking up a fuss. After all, he has the liberal print and broadcast media on his side. Led by the New York Times these liberal bastions of journalistic ineptitude. Witness the recent broadcast of 60 Minutes on CBS with Steve Croft interviewing the president and Hillary Clinton together.  who is the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture  in an opinion piece has some thoughts on that interview. Read More: Obama & Clinton on Minutes

This is a president who is extremely thin skinned and can't take criticism. Imagine if the "mainstream media" actually did their job the way it should be done.  


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