Thursday, January 17, 2013

Billions in Green U.S. Taxpayer $$ Going To Foreign Green Energy Companies, Courtesy of Your Tax & Spend Govt.

In a continuing effort to bring this country to the level of "just another nation," President Obama, in another one of his failed stimulus projects,  is giving $4 billion of U.S. taxpayer money to foreign "green" energy companies. The money went to several Spain-based companies, as well as those in Japan, Germany, France and Italy. Read More: Billions of $$ Given To Foreign Energy Companies

Meanwhile, the president continues to thumb his nose at drilling for oil on American soil and off-shore. There is no telling at this point how many of these foreign companies have or are on the verge of bankruptcy as was the case Solyndra, a U.S. company, along with others, that bit the dust after receiving money from the Administration. 

Coal Miner Lee Hipshire

Along with throwing good money after bad companies, shooting down the Keystone gas line project, waging a war on the coal industry and refusing to allow drilling for oil, the president is personally responsible for jobs that would have put tens of thousands of people to work. Personally, I don't think he cares. Because of his anti-colonialist ideology learned from his father, Mr. Obama is taking this country from an economic and military superpower to just another country. That is his mission. Beware!

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