Monday, January 21, 2013

What Can We Expect in the Next Four Years?

Swearing in Ceremony
So....The Coronation of the King is over. The public spectacle of Barack Hussein Obama being publicly sworn in (he was "officially sworn in Sunday) to begin his second term as President of the United States, much to the delight of his supporters, much to the chagrin of the rest of us. His supporters apparently have no clue as to what's coming and how their lives are about to be transformed. The rest of us know. 

In his inaugural speech, the president threw down the gauntlet. Read More: Obama: Hands of Deep Cuts to Entitlement Programs

So, what can we expect in the next four years.

1.) Jobs
The president can claim all he wants about how many jobs were created in his first term. The reality is the unemployment rate is still hovering near 8%. The actual rate is probably closer to 14% but the government conveniently drops from its numbers those who have given up looking. Mr. Obama says jobs are his number 1 priority but that's about as far as it goes. His policies have been and will continue to be not on the side of business and those who create jobs. No real progress was made on the job front by this administration between 2009 and 2012. There is no reason to believe this will change between 2013 and 2016. Tax increases on the business sector will mean additional layoffs and cutbacks. They have already begun.

2.) Economy
This country is in debt beyond belief. The president blames his predecessor for the bad economy. True, it was in no great shakes when Mr. Obama took office in 2009. We were about $10 trillion in debt. Flashback - as a presidential candidate in 2008 Obama criticized then-President George W. Bush for adding $4 trillion to the national debt, saying it was “unpatriotic” and also “irresponsible” to saddle future generations with such a large national debt. Mr. Obama then proceeded to add $6 trillion to the debt. (Side note: Mr. Bush added his $4 trillion over the course of his eight years as president. Mr. Obama added his $6 trillion in just his first four years.) 
The Debt now tops $16 trillion. Click to see the numbers. U.S. National Debt Clock. Your individual share of the debt is $52 thousand and climbing. It's estimated that Obama will add another $16 trillion by the end of his second term, leaving the country an unsustainable $20 trillion debt.

3.) Obamacare
The government takeover of the health care industry is well underway. The full implementation to take place in 2014. But we are already seeing the damage this socialist program is doing. Costs are skyrocketing, despite the president's promise they wouldn't. Read More: Rates on the Rise

Obamacare was to help the the middle class. Costs won't go up a single dime, the president touted. ON January 1,2012, the middle class woke up to some 20 new taxes courtesy of Obamacare. 
As for doctors, many say they will close up shop if their income drops...some estimating taking a hit of 30%. Others say they will stop accepting Medicare patients if the program takes a hit, making it tough on seniors, especially since the Baby Boom generation is coming into play. Canada and Great Britain, two countries with socialized medicine are sorry they did it. No republicans voted for this plan...this is all on Obama and the Democrats...his legacy, his cross to bear.

5.) Partisanship
Don't expect the two parties to kiss and make up.The GOP  has control of the house and after taking it on the chin in the 
 Fiscal Cliff debacle,Speaker  Boehner and company are in no mood to make nice. Likewise, the president, who spent the last four years snubbing the right side of the aisle, will continue his "I'm the president, do as I say" attitude." This gets us nowhere.. The Republicans are not going to give the president a blank check to raise the debt ceiling with no limitations as he desires. Boehner wants serious spending cuts. He says "We're broke." The $16 trillion debt backs him up on that. The president, after the largest tax hike in history, wants more of the same. Hang on to your wallet. 
Part of our being broke is the Senate's refusal to pass a budget and has done so going on four years now. Why? Because the president and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid don't want us to see what is actually in it. The president did put forth a budget during his first one on either side voted for it because it was so preposterous. The Republicans are now saying they will not agree to an increase in the debt ceiling until a budget is passed with meaning spending cuts in it. the impasse continues.

6.) Gun Control
The lines are drawn. The president, who has a love affair with Executive Orders, has issued 23 relating to gun control. Banning assault weapons must pass congress, and that's a long shot.

Many more issues are on the will be a contentious four years...Congress and the president have to get their acts together. It's the president's job to find a compromise. Let's hope for the best.

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