Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another Drole, Nothing New, Boring Speech on the Economy

President Obama officially kicked of the mid-term election campaign with what he does best...he gave a campaign speech. The president spoke on the economy in what was billed as an "historic" speech, but the only thing historic was how many speeches on the economy he's given. A record ump-teenth something.

As expected, there was nothing new. It was the same old song and dance from Mr. Obama. Tax and spend and blame others (the Republicans) for why we are in the mess we are in. actually, according to the president the Republicans really agree with him. Really? Hmmm.  Click the video:

This speech had nothing new in it as far as fixing the economy goes. If anything, the president's same-as-before proposals will further damage it. That is another $800 billion in new taxes against those who create jobs and more domestic spending.

Lest you forget, Mr. Obama, in his first four years, increased the national debt by more than $6 trillion dollars. That's more than all the presidents combined. And we are quickly barreling toward $17 trillion in the hole with $20 trillion estimated by the time Obama leaves office 3.5 years from now. Click the clock: National Debt Clock

The unemployment rate is still at a dismal 7.6 percent. Millions upon millions of people are out of work (yours truly included). Obama says the job picture is improving. Not so. The fact is because of Obamacare many American's wages have been cut because their hours been cut. Less money means less spending which doesn't bode well for the economy. A lot of people have seen their full time jobs cut to part-time. As a matter of fact, only 57 percent of working adults have full time jobs. 

Worse still is the fact that families have less income. Since Obama took office in 2009 the median family income has fallen 7.2 percent.

Obama blames the Republicans in the House for not going along with his economic policies. Good thing. The GOP has no stomach for more of the same failed policies the president keeps putting forth. If the president had his chance to get  all he wanted in the first two years of his presidency when the Democrats had control of both the House and Senate. Instead he opted to spend that time shoving the (un)Affordable Healthcare Act, now known as the Obamacare train wreck, down our throats. Now that the Republicans have control of the House the president has  toddler tantrums because they won't bow down to his out-of-control spending sprees and tax hikes.

In truth, President Obama has no real interest in improving the economy. If he did he would have found a way to meet the Republicans half way. He says he's willing to work with his rivals. That's code for "only if they do it my way." There is no compromising with this man. He knows not the meaning of the word. Instead he looks to remain divisive and blame others for the country's ills.

So why the 'who-knows-how-many' speech on the economy with more to follow? He's trying to change the conversation and take the emphasis off what he terms as "phony" scandals. The wheels are coming of his non-transparent, incompetent administration. He has three plus years to start turning this economy around. After four plus years he's taken it into the tank. Don't look for it to get much better.

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