Sunday, July 21, 2013

Obamacare Has Doctors On Edge -

It seems like eons ago, but it was only four and a half years ago when we heard President Obama say this: (Click the video)

Yes, the president, in pushing passage of what we know know is Obamacare, said, "if you like your doctor or your insurance plan, you can keep it." That was 2009. We now know that what he said is not necessarily true. Besides, you may be able to keep your doctor, but will your doctor keep you? Read More: Doctors Bailing Out

So, many doctors may un-hang their shingles. Is yours one of them? Might not be a bad idea the next time you see your doctor for an ailment that you ask him what ails him about Obamacare and is he going to be around in a year or two. 

If your doctor hangs up the "Gone Fishin' " sign you will have to doctor shop which may be a problem. There are
some 800,000 physicians in this country. Over half of them are over the age of 50. They will be the ones considering bailing out of the profession. This on top of the fact that we are already about 20K doctors short. Read More: Doctors Wanted:Condition Critical

Obamacare is becoming more and more of the train wreck many predicted it would be, as we find out more about it and how it affects us. More than 50% of Americans find the law unfavorable.  The president is trying to change their minds. Read More: Obama Still Trying to Convince Us Obamacare is a Good Thing

Obamacare took a big blow recently when several big unions said the law has to be changed. Among early supporters of the law, they now don't like it. Bad news for the Democrats as unions have always been a strong part of their base.

Because of its complexity the federal government is having a hard time meeting implementation deadlines. If they can't get their act together on getting this thing going, can you imagine how well they will run it? Has the government ever run anything well? Just askin.' Doctor's planning on bolting already know the answer.

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