Monday, July 29, 2013

Another Presidential Untruth and Bowing To The King

Another lie in a long list of lies out of the mouth of our president. It's not surprising and the Republicans got duped again. You'd think that after 40 plus years of lies by the Democrats that John Boehner and company would learn. Guess not.

Here's the lie: If I recall (correct me if I'm wrong) that part of the fiscal cliff deal of last December was if the Republicans agreed to tax increases on the rich, Obama would agree to cuts in spending. The Republicans bit, only to have Obama say 'let's due the tax thing now and we'll get to the cuts
down the road.' The GOP should have backed out of the deal right then, but they didn't. What made them think that the president, especially THIS president, was going to keep his word? The budget battle is looming and the Republicans expect spending cuts to be part of any final deal as the president promised. HA! You've been 'took' again! Read More: Another Presidential Untruth

Barack Obama has no intention of dealing with the Republicans on this. As always, it's his way or no way. The Senate, under the inept leadership of Harry Reid, has snubbed its nose at the Constitution and not crafted a federal budget in over four years. Instead we have been operating under what is known as a "continuing resolution." In other words let's just keep on like we've been doing. The only problem with that is with no budget to adhere to (not that the federal government ever paid attention to a budget anyway) the government can do as it wishes. Obama has taken that to heart as he has spent this country into oblivion and is determined to spend more. 

The President also wants the debt ceiling raised again. This is something he screamed against back in 2006:
"America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit."
-- Sen. Barack Obama, March 16, 2006
Then there was the flip flop in 2011:
"Nobody likes to be tagged as having increased the debt limit for the United States by a trillion dollars. As president, you start realizing, you know what, we can't play around with this stuff. . . . (Raising the limit is) important for the country."
-- President Barack Obama, April 15, 2011

Unless the Republicans cower in a corner as they are known to do and bow down to Obama's demands a battle will be fought in September when the current continuing resolution expires. If no agreement is reached the government will shut down and the Democrats will blame the Republicans as they have in the past. Obama will have toddler tantrum because he can't blow the taxpayers money on the same failed policies of the past four years.

Actually, Boehner and company have an ace in the hole as they control the purse strings. The major issue they say that will further break the bank is Obama's socialist train wreck known as Obamacare. The House of Representatives could, and it's a big could, not fund Obamacare. Unfortunately the House is spineless. And the Senate would have to go along with it. But there is an effort to stop Obamacare in it's tracks. Watch the video:

However, Senate and House Republicans would be accused of taking health care away from the poor and the illegal aliens. So, they will find an excuse to fund Obamacare and bow to the king. It's unfortunate.

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