Thursday, July 25, 2013

Relations Among The Races Decline Under Obama

There's a lot of discussion these days about race relations in this country. This issue pops up after some event involving blacks and whites. Unfortunately it seems to rear its head when something negative impacts the black community and they cry foul. What sparked the issue this time was the 'not
                Zimmerman                         Martin                       
guilty' verdict White/Hispanic George Zimmerman received in the shooting death of black teen Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was acquitted by the jury saying the shooting of Martin was in self defense. The black community says Zimmerman profiled the teen and aggressively pursued him when he could have backed away. 

Everyone from civil rights activist Al Sharpton to the Reverend Jessie Jackson, other black leaders and even the president have weighed in on the issue seemingly fueling the flames. African Americans always seem to feel they get a raw deal when things don't go their way. The cries of racism can be heard from coast to coast. Given the history of African Americans in this country, one can sympathize. But you don't see the white community take to the streets when the shoe
is on the other foot. The O.J. Simpson 'not guilty' verdict in the murder of his ex-wife and her friend comes to mind. The white community didn't like the verdict to be sure. But there were no organized street marches and calls to change laws. 

Race relations have improved over the years.  I readily recall the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which dramatically changed the climate between the races in this country. Before that we saw such sordid things as "Whites Only" and "Blacks Only" signs on restroom doors, "No Blacks Allowed" signs at lunch counters and blacks relegated to the backs of buses. Sports in this country was not immune to this way of thinking either. Black
       Robinson           Aaron                      
baseball players such as Hank Aaron and Jackie Robinson, in many cases, were not allowed to stay in the same hotels with their teammates or eat in the same dining rooms. Instead they were put in "blacks only" hotels or the basements of the hotels their team was staying in. As late as 1974 Hank Aaron received numerous death threats as he approached breaking Babe Ruth's home run record that year. 

People generally don't think of the relations between the races on a daily basis anymore because things have improved greatly. One could argue that blacks think about it more than whites and they might even say that we've taken a step backwards.....and they might be right. Read More:  Race Relations Tank Under Obama

This administration, and liberals in general, has a habit of playing the race card when they deem it necessary. President Obama, the first African American president, had the opportunity to unite this country that no other president has had...and he has squandered it. While he touts "raising
President Obama
the middle class" and giving more people the opportunity to join the middle class, his policies have taken us in the opposite direction. High taxes and jobs lost under his watch have hurt the middle class, both white and black and have forced those of both races that are less fortunate to be even more so. The president has said it's time for Washington to end partisan fighting. You need to look in the mirror, Mr. President. There you will see the face of the leader of what is partisan in Washington. Yes, both parties are at fault. But you are the president. You need to put on your big boy president pants and lead, not only in governing the country, but in bringing the races together as well. You set the tone for what is to be, and the divisive comments you made about the Zimmerman case was not the right tone.

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