Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Obamacare: The Pill That's Hard To Swallow

When Barack Obama took office what seems like a 100 years ago on January 20, 2009, we were mired deep in unemployment, the housing market was in the toilet,
spending was a run-away freight train and Americans drank the kool aid known as "Hope and Change." It would appear the new president had his work cut out for him. Right? Wrong! The nation's ills were of no concern to Obama. Instead he ram roded socialized medicine down our throats on the promise of lower costs and health insurance for all. "Obamacare" was to be the signature program of his presidency.So far it's been a flop. Sixty per cent of the country don't want it, it's costing Americans more, not less in health care, not everyone will get coverage and opponents of the plan are doing all they can to railroad it.  

A key component of Obamacare, the employer mandate, was to take effect in January, 2013. This is where employers with more than 50 full time employees were to give their workers health insurance or pay a fine. Many are opting for the fine saying it would cost them less than the insurance premiums. Others are cutting employees back to thirty hours a week, thus making them part time to avoid having to give the insurance. Not what Obama had in mind. So, he has delayed the employer mandate for another year, using the lame excuse that companies asked for more time to adjust to the plan. 

The real reason was politics. Obama knows it's a bad law and doesn't want Democrats up for re-election in 2014 to have to go out and defend it. The problem is a delay doesn't
make it go away. Companies know they will still have to face the music down the road. Republicans have a problem with the president changing the rules of the law (Obamacare is the law of the land), saying Congress passed the law as written and it can't be changed without Congressional approval. Read More: GOP Says Obama Can't Change Law's Timetable.

As we all know, the IRS is slated to oversee Obamacare once the law is fully implemented. The IRS, the agency riddled with scandal is to oversee our health care. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary. Read More: IRS Wrong Agency To Oversee Obamacare

On second thought, the IRS is an agency out of control, run by incompetent bureaucrats is to oversee a train wreck of a health care system. Sounds about right.

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