Thursday, July 4, 2013

GOP Should Still Bombard Dems On Obamacare In 2014 Mid-Term Elections

President Obama has issued an edict for the train wreck known as Obamacare. Businesses with 50 employees or more were to provide health insurance  employees by the end of this year. That mandate has been put off a year.

Why? Because everything this president does has to do with politics. In the case of Obamacare, the president has realized that his plan is so bad that it will hurt Democrats chances in the 2014 mid-term elections. So he put off employer mandated insurance coverage for a year to get past the elections. Now, many political pundits are saying this takes a major issue off the table for Republicans in 2014. Read More: GOP Loses Major Mid-Term Election Issue

Excuse Me!!! But the Republicans have lost nothing with this mandate delay. The president did not axe this particular item out of Obamacare...he just delayed it's implementation.
 Note to Messrs. Boehner, Paul, McConnell, Cantor, Ryan, Rubio, This issue is still very much in play. Businesses will still be hit with it. You guys need to run with it and start pounding that message NOW! Take the bull by the horns!
And it appears the GOP plans to do just that. Let's hope they don't do what they are prone to doing and that's to wimp out. Read More: GOP To Go After Dems On Obamacare

 The administration's decision is in response to businesses saying they want more time before they have to provide the insurance to employees. That's a smoke screen. As Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo. said in the above Fox News article, Obamacare is a "clear admission" that the law is "unaffordable, unworkable and unpopular." 

Conservative activist Grover Norquist agrees with Senator Barrasso. Read More: Norquist: Obama knows It's A Lousy Plan

So do 70% of Americans.

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