Thursday, July 18, 2013

Going After Zimmerman All in The Name of Politics

It's amazing how bad the Obama administration wants to get George Zimmerman despite being acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin. After the verdict, Attorney General Eric Holder announced the feds were going to pursue civil rights
Eric Holder
violations against Mr. Zimmerman. These guys are just really pissed off that the jury came up with the RIGHT verdict in the case. Along with a total disregard for the Constitution, the president and his administration are showing the same for the justice system in this country.

Under Florida law, where the case was tried, George Zimmerman is to get back the personal affects confiscated as evidence. This includes the gun he used in the self-defense shooting of Trayvon Martin. Not so fast, whines Holder: Read More: Holder Holds on Zimmerman's Gun

This whole idea of going after Zimmerman is  ridiculous and in keeping with Obamanomics, it will be a waste of a lot of the taxpayers money as well. 

I find it ironic that the president went on television Thursday to tout his failing health care initiative known as Obamacare,
President Obama
and as usual he couldn't help to chide the Republicans. Obama noted that for the 40th time (or so), the House of voted on Obamacare, this time to delay its mandates. The president lamented that there are more important things that the House should be working on...blah, blah, blah.  

Excuse me, Mr. President. There are more important things you and Mr. Holder SHOULD be working on rather than wasting the government's time and taxpayer's money on something as frivolous as going after a man judged innocent by a jury of his peers just to satisfy your political base. You're four and a half years into what has been a failed presidency. It's time you started righting the sinking ship.

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