Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Takes The President To Task On Race

The George Zimmerman trial has, as these things always do, fueled the flames of race in this country. Once again, the Al Sharptons' and Jessie Jacksons' of the world are whipping the black community into a frenzy yelling about injustice because Zimmerman was found not guilty in the shooting death of teen Trayvon Martin. 

Strange, isn't it, that these people throw a hissy fit when a black is killed by a white. But remain silent when blacks kill blacks. The fact is over 90% of black males killed in this country are killed by their fellow blacks. That, too, is a tragedy, just as the Trayvon Martin killing was. But no black leader is raising hell  with the black community about black on black killings. Why not? Good Question.

President Obama decided recently to throw himself into the Zimmerman. George Zimmerman was found not guilty (self defense) by way of a "stand your ground" law in Florida. The president and others are calling for repeal of the Florida law and similar ones in some 30 plus States. 

Bill O'Reilly, on his "The O'Reilly Factor" program seen on the Fox News Channel, challenges the president and others to get serious about the race problem. His take on the issue has created a lot of conversation in this country. Click the video: 

                                Do you agree or disagree with Bill O' Reilly? I agree.

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