Sunday, July 7, 2013

Obama and Congress just keep on Spending.......YOUR MONEY!! we are, just after the 4th of July, 2013, four and a half years into the glorious presidential term of Barack Obama....and where are we? Hmmmm. Let's see. About half the country is on food stamps or some sort of government welfare or assistance. Almost as many are under the poverty line, millions of people are STILL out of work (yours truly as
included, now into my second year) with the unemployment rate at 7.6% (round that number and it's 8%). The housing market has made some gains, but only in certain parts of the country. Government spending is still out of control skyrocketing at bullet speed toward $17 Trillion (see for yourself, just click the link: National Debt Clock ) 

And our president, while all this continues? He just wound up his lavish $100 Million African vacation with his family. The taxpayers paid the tab, of course.

 Asked by a young Kenyan gentleman why he wasn't visiting Kenya this trip, the
president replied that he "wanted to spread the wealth." OMG! Where have we heard that before? Oh Yeah, when Mr. Obama told Joe The Plumber that his plan to steal from the rich was for the purpose of "spreading the wealth."
As has been the case with this president, he has no problem spending money, having run the deficit up almost $7 Trillion on his watch alone. As we have said in the past, He has spent more than ALL the U.S. presidents put together.

But let's not put ALL the blame for blowing your money on President Obama. Congress has taken a cue from the 'Spender-in-Chief ' and lavished itself

 in a way you may not have realized. Seems we pay to satisfy their sweet tooth's and mid-morning and mid-day hunger palates. 

Begs the question,"Why in hell are we paying for these loony tune's snacks, anyway??!! Don't they rip us off enough as it is? Did we send them to Washington to enjoy free lattes and gummy bears or to do the people's business? Well...since they aren't doing much in regards to the people's business, must be they're there for the snacks. Good work if you're rich enough to get it.

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